St. Patrick's Day

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     It was a normal day.

Can walked inside the room looking sad. CH and Theo looked at her in confusion. She held a stick of gum in hand and was frowning intensely.

"Can?" Theo asked, going up to comfort her. Can turned her sad face in his direction.

"My step grandma gave me gum," she said sadly. "And I was happy. But then I realized-" She teared up. "I have braces! And it's probably not safe!" Theo patted her shoulder.

"I actually misheard you for a second at thought you had said 'gun' instead of gum," Theo chuckled, trying to lighten the gloom. "And I didn't even question it until you said braces."

Can nodded solemnly, repressing a smile. "Yes, my step grandma gave me a glock for St. Patrick's Day. But I can't use it because I have braces."

Theo laughed. Can suddenly smiled widely. "But! I do have a shiny stick-on mustache!" CH perked up.

"Give," he demanded. Can handed them a glittery mustache.

"You may have one of the extra ones. There you go, good friend." CH smacked it against their forehead with no hesitation. Can nodded in satisfaction. "I have a green one too." Foxy wandered in with a pad of paper in hand, scribbled something and stuck it on The Wall Of Good Quotes. Theo walked over to look at it and saw Can's quote of "my step grandma gave me a glock."

"Very nice."

"I just fixed a light and will now go take a nap," Foxy announced. "Ignoring my mass amount of homework."

Can winced. "Oof."

Foxy frowned, annoyed. "And now it's too bright and I have a headache." Sapl walked in and stuck a piece of paper to The Wall. Theo leaned in to read it aloud.

"Commits mass homicide cutely-Sapl?"

Sapl walked away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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