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Varun, Alia and Katrina arrived at the mall, parked their cars, hopped out and headed inside as they - or more like Katrina and Alia - started looking around at shops to decide where to start first.

"I just wanna know why you brought me with you. Also Kat, why do are even coming shopping. Your closet is about to explode from the amount of clothes it had." Varun rolled his eyes.

"Can you just shut up." Katrina stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"I won't shut up until you answer all my questions." Varun stopped walking.

"Kay, I think you have to tell him so that he'll let you off the hook." Alia suggested her best friend, both knowing that Varun could be stubborn if he wanted to.

"You're right. Anyways, I'm coming shopping because I'm going out on a date tomorrow." Katrina told him before they started walking again.

"Well, I know." Varun said casually making both Alia and Katrina turn to look at him.

"What do you mean you know?" Katrina asked him.

"I know that you have a date tomorrow with Ranbir." Varun shrugged.

"And how do you know?" Katrina asked him confused before turning to look at Alia suspiciously.

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't tell him anything." Alia rolled her eyes at her best friend.

"Alia didn't tell me anything. Ranbir did. Before asking you, he came and asked me if it was okay. Kinda took my permission, you could say just so that he knew I was cool with it." Varun explained to both the girls.

"Really?" Katrina's eyebrows raised.

"Yup." Varun nodded.

"Kat, look at this outfit. It'll look so good on you and I'm pretty sure it fits the style of clothing Ranbir told you to go." Alia pointed at a displayed outfit in one of the shops.

"Okay, let's go in so I can try it." Katrina went in followed by Varun and Alia.

Katrina asked a worker there to bring her the outfit and while she went in the changing rooms to try if on, Varun and Alia sat on a couch to wait for her.

"How do I look?" Katrina asked them when she came out.

"You look amazing, you have to buy this one even if it's not the one you'll be wearing tomorrow." Alia smiled at her.

"You look good, yeah." Varun added nodding.

"Okay, I'm taking it then. I'll go change and come out so that I can look for some shoes as well." Katrina told them before going back into the changing room.

After wearing her clothes back, she held the ones she wanted to buy in her hands while looking around for some shoes that could go well with the outfit.

Varun, bored out of his mind, he stood up and started looking at dresses until he found one that caught his attention.

So taking it in his hand, he walked back to where Alia was still sitting.

"Varun, what's that?" Alia asked him looking at the dress in his hand.

"A dress, isn't it obvious?" Varun asked her back, sarcastically.

"No, but like, what are you doing with a dress?" She rephrased the question.

"I chose it for you. I know that it'll look good on you." Varun told her.

"But what if it doesn't fit?" Alia wondered.

"At least try it, and then judge." Varun handed the dress to her and she took it.

"Okay." She stood up and went into one of the changing rooms to try the dress on while Varun waited for her outside.

After 5 minutes, Alia called Varun from inside the room.


"Yeah?" He replied.

"Can you please come help me with the ties, I couldn't reach them." She asked him, nervously.

Instead of replying with words, Varun just walked to the door of the changing room, opened it, got in and closed it behind him.

Alia was facing the mirrored wall so Varun was facing her back. The room was pretty close to the point that Alia could feel Varun's breath on the back of her neck as soon as he took two steps forward.

Alia was looking at him through the mirror and he looked up just to come in contact with her eyes. Varun put both his hands on her waist before pulling her ever closer but leaving enough space between them where he can tie the ribbons. He tied them as slowly as possible, making sure his fingers touched Alia's skin in ever chance he got.

When he finished tying them, he looked up to meet Alia's eyes through the mirror. Putting his hands back on her waist, Varun pulled her close until there was no space between them. Until her back was pressed against his front.

In a blink of an eye, Varun's head was buried in Alia's neck as he started placing slow open-mouthed kisses on the spot under her neck while she closed her eyes in the pleasure she hadn't felt for years.

His kisses went all the way down her neck and back, making Alia bite her lip in order to keep the sounds that were begging to come out I side.

Without thinking twice though, Varun turned Alia around so that she was facing him, keeping his hands on her waist while she opened her eyes to look into his.

Varun looked down at her lips which made her unconsciously lick them before looking down at his, too. They both started leaning forward, inpatiently wanting their lips to meet.

But of course, that couldn't happen. Just as their lips were an inch away from each other, Varun's phone rang.

"Nice, this was just the perfect time." Varun commented sarcastically as he pulled away to pull his phone out of his jeans pocket to look at the caller ID, "It's my mom, I gotta take it."

"Sure." Alia looked down as Varun got out of the changing room, closing the door behind him as he took the call.

Alia changed back into her clothes while Varun talked to his mom and just when Alia came out of the changing room, Katrina came back with the shoes in her hands while Varun put his phone back in his pocket.

They walked together to pay for the stuff they chose.

"Alia, what are you buying?" Katrina asked her.

"Your twin decided to buy me something." Alia shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh! Okay." Katrina said looking away with a knowing smile on her face.

"Oh, before I forget. Mom and dad are having a business dinner outside today with their business partners." Varun told his sister what his mom informed him.

"So my mom and dad are going out with them too?" Alia asked him.

"Yeah, them and the others too." Varun replied as he paid for the things his sister bought and for Alia's dress.

"Well, let's go then. I have to put this stuff at home then I'm meeting the girls along with Alia, at Pari's house." Katrina said as she took her bags and started walking out with Varun and Alia behind her.

"Wait a sec! If you're meting with the girls and I'm meeting the boys. And mom and dad are going out. Then who's staying with Athiya?" Varun asked his sister.

"Deepee?!" Katrina said, but it came out more like a question.

"She's going out with Ranveer." Varun informed her.

"She can come and stay with Sooraj at ours. They're friends after all, but if you don't have a problem with it. That is." Alia offered.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. So I'll pick Athiya up and drop her at your place. Then I can pick you up and take you to Pari's place to meet the girls and I'll arrange with the boys to meet them there too." Varun told her.

"Cool." Alia agreed before they all got into their cars and drove off.

To be continued...

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