A lovely people

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Your father had welcomed the group of 3 from the Nether. They had just arrived after a few days preparation, though everyone knew something of this sort would establish itself eventually.

He talked so kindly, like an old friend. As if the night before he wasn't planning the most efficient way to slaughter every last one of them.
The last one, he looked a bit more human then the rest of them. Though most of them were hybrid. Piglins had always been humanoid, their build was always more efficient for survival in scarce land. Their build perfect for speed and strength.
But it wasn't only practical. They presented themselves with such nobility, majestic was the word to describe their people. You felt so dull next to them.

They were introduced, all of them talking proudly. Fierce, while still calm, collected and kind. Some books, while bias most definitely that you had read talked of them being beasts. But were gentle with how they presented themselves.

They all wore boar skull masks over their faces, it's ceremonial to wear them in the presence of humans or during official gatherings. They were decorated with fine gold chains, hanging from the skulls nose to where the jaw was. Dangling and shimmering finely.

Two in particular caught your eye.
Aethia, she was a bit more slim then the others standing before her, two swords sheathed as her hips. You knew, instead of using raw strength in battle. She was quick and nimble. You knew this from observing the men on the guard fight. They would think you were watching for enjoyment.
However watching a bunch of grown men swing metal around was not entertaining, you were just researching.

And the most human of them, Technoblade, a general. His so called title is the "blood god" story tells he earned it from slaying an entire either skeleton regimen with his bare hands.
Which was ironic, because wither skeletons do not bleed. They crumble to ash when they fall.
But just by the look of him you were sure he was well deserving of the title. The other guests were calm, warm. While he was observing the room for sign of danger.

He is also expecting this meeting to go wrong.
At least you thought so, he was much less comfortable than the other visitors. While they were talking to your father rather openly. He was reserved and quiet, wanting to see which way the conversation leaned before he spoke.

The third was older then the other two, more jewels decorated his robes as the other two. He must be more important than the last. Maybe a war hero. Since the Piglins didn't have a king or a single leader. They had a series of generals to lead them. Not only in battle but in normal upkeep of their land.
Their land was more free, instead of their single capital housing them all they were spread around the nether.

The Nether was one of the most well governed civilizations recorded, all while still being lenient and individual.

They were shown to their rooms, to rest before festivities took place. There was going to be a ball tonight. In which you planned by yourself in full, since your father and brother couldn't be bothered with such trivial matters.
You wanted to make the ball seem rather uneventful, out of spite for your father pushing the party planning to you.
But you did always love a good ball. The music, the decor. The light taps of feet as couples waltzed up and down the marble floors.

You had danced before, usually with nobles sons, another thing your fathers had you do. Entertain the noble families heir while he talked the big talk with the real men.

If you had a dance partner you enjoyed, maybe you would also enjoy dancing. But as of now, it was a chore.

Couples glided over the dance floor gracefully, while you were conversing with a few knights. All of which had at one point tried to court you. While you refused and would much rather walk away, your father insisted on being kind to them. While some could not take no for an answer.

REDAMANCEY | Technoblade x reader | Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now