For your sake

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You had chosen not to attend the meeting that was held the next day. You knew they would be talking for hours and getting nowhere, because that's what politics is. A bunch of powerful people in a room, who can't agree on anything.

A part of you wanted to go and keep your brother from saying something obnoxious and embarrassing your family, but a part of you wanted to believe he could take care of himself, he had to. He was going to be king someday and your father could not protect him forever.

You had decided to venture out into the gardens, you had never been much inclined to the outdoors. But there was a hill you could climb and see over the lake and beyond the castle.

You were ill as a child, nobody was sure if you'd make it. Alas, you have and you were going to climb that hill like a child because like hell who could possibly stop you.
Birdsong fluttered along as you made your way to the stream, that stream flowed into the lake, which was the view you wished.

You hadn't left the castle grounds before, the closest you had gotten to the outside world was a carriage ride to town when you were eight. Your father always saw you as the delicate, defenseless little thing.
Poor y/n, pity the girl who never knew her mother.

It was garbage. All of it there are so many words to describe her delicate was not one of them.
Though not physically strong her mind was a palace, even grander then her home. And no empathy-less pity could venture there.

He had been so consumed in her internal monologue, she hadn't realized she had reached the foot of said hill. Rocks lined the lowest point. Slowly graining out as the top became grassy and rich emerald. The ground was puddled in water still, the grass squishing under her feet. But no mind, the top of the hill was over feet away and she didn't have anything else to do. Until you father sends for her to do some boring unmeaningful task.

You reached the top of the hill. Light fog breezed over the lake, clouds gloomed over the mountains, rain was coming. But you had seen a flash of pink out of your peripheral. No time to worry about the weather.

"Hello." Technoblade was leaning on a tree, rather awkwardly since you had joined him. He was fashioned in a cotton shirt and brown pants, dull, but on him anything looked extraordinary and other worldly.
He wasn't wearing the skull mask, his features able to view in full. His eyes were a shade of red, dark and rich. Pale scares run across his nose down his jaw and along his cheekbones.
One of his canine teeth stuck out from his bottom lip much more then the other. His pink hair was tied into a ponytail and slung over his sounder.
He was pretty in a handsome way.

"Hello, I wasn't expecting to see you today. I figured the meeting would run rather long." You turned back to face the water as he approached. Standing beside you.

"Well it seemed as though it was going nowhere, everyone was tired, and might I add hungover. So your father postponed the meeting." Technoblade told you, staring out upon the water as were you.

"Yes, I had to help my brother to his room. Poor man." You laughed. You looked over at him, and he smiled to himself unaware of your gaze.

"Yes I know, I saw you walking him to his room. He is a poor man, his tolerance for liquor is unlucky. I remember you saying me and my friends have more manners than he." Technoblade laughed. 

He had heard that? It's a bit embarrassing that the crowned prince had to be babies and shown to his room after light drinking.

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