Chapter 1 : The Future Foundation Part 1

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17 May 2009  /  05 : 17 AM 

United States of America / New York   / New York City (NYC) 

(3rd Pov)

Who is he  ? 

Who is Daniel Fenton   ? 

A simple question that many people across the world ask 

Who is Daniel Fenton  ? 

And what is he 

Daniel Fenton The young man who changed the world   ......   The DaVinci of our age   ....... The True man of tomorrow  .....  The smarties  man on the Earth  .......   And to a few a  recarnatied soul  from a higher realm 

Daniel Fenton son of the late beloved couple Jack and Maddie Fenton ,  The younger brother of Jazz Fenton a world renowned brain surgeon  and superhero named Rescue whose a founding member of The Justice League an organization made up of the greatest heroes on Earth  with 2  goals Protect citizens of the world and Maintain international peace

And  Adoptive  son of  The genius  millionaire  Vlad Masters one of the most shrewd businessmen in the world  ...  And one of the world's most powerful Super-vilans  

President and CEO of  Vladco  a global aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies corporation with worldwide interests 

one of the world's five biggest powerhouse in terms of technological advances only rivaled  by 2 companies lexcorp and wayne Technology and surpassed by The Future Foundation

Vlad Masters  a founding member of The  Light  a council comprised of eight self-proclaimed enlightened members  with two goals To make everyone "see the Light" ( world  conquest ) and make everyone realize how the evolution of humankind is being hindered by the "heroes" that protect it from the needed factors to evolve  (And a proud father) 

Daniel Fenton The young man who shocked The world  The so called DaVinci of our Age, The True man Of Tomorrow ....  a genius billionaire  philanthropist and an amazing writer .... The human who holds The Highest  IQ in the Planet  an IQ of 257 making him certifiably a "super genius"  and Putting him in the smartest 0.1% of the world's population 

A young man who lost his parents at The tender age of 7 when his parents two genius scientist  Jack and Maddie Fenton  who held an obsessed on the topic of ghosts tried opening an Extradimensional  portal to an unknown dimension known as The Ghost Zone on hope's of proving the existence of  The Extradimensional beings known as Ghost 

Only For The experiment to  terribly backfire  resulting in the destruction of their home along with leaving both of their  children orphans at a young age ( And That particular  incident not only changed their children lives forever.... it caused a certain side-effects to both children especially little danny) 

Unfortunately The only living relative of  The family  Alicia Maddie's biological sister couldn't have both of the children and was forced to give one of Them to The family close friend Vlad Masters who quickly recognized the child genius mind and Revolutionary ideas and decided to cultivate said mind in hopes of creating his perfect son and  successor  ( And ensuring That one of the last thing his true love Maddie left in this world was well taken care of and Giving Jack one last insult by taking one of his children.... And The fact he always wanted a son .....  May have played a huge role in his decision) 

Soon enough Vlad and The rest of the world discovered Daniel  intelligence in an Incident That shocked The world  The young  genius  couldn't accept his parents  and as such  decided to change everything  .....  At the tender age of 9 he managed to build a fully functional time machine out of a freaking blender, VCR and a microwave in hopes of creating a new time-line and thus Reviving his parents

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