Chapter 1

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Another piece of paper falls right beside me. "P.s. The apartment is taken care of, however, food and extra activities are on your own dime. The school you will be attending is Karasuno high; you start tomorrow as a transfer student from America. Your uniform to your new school is inside the closet as well as some extra clothes. You have enough food in the refrigerator to last you two weeks." Great, now I have to get a job too? "This was NOT a part of the agreement you know!" Silence follows. Hm not talking now huh. I get up and check out the wardrobe. The uniforms are bland with a black blazer, short skirt, and a white shirt. Wow, Karasuno huh. Not a good first impression with this outfit. Looking through the clothing I see some knee high socks and plain black loafers. I guess this will be the outfit for tomorrow. I spot some workout clothes in the back of the closet. Maybe I'll see what shape I'm in. I put on the clothing and rushed out the door. I bump into a guy on the way out. He's tall with brown hair and soft brown eyes. His uniform is maybe? It's a white shirt with some light blue stripes down the front.. "Oops, I'm sorry." I say quickly. "No, it's fine. I should be prepared for these things." He teases. He turns away and walks into the apartment next to mine. I glance behind me and catch the name of his school Aoba Johsai. Maybe I should have been placed there. Their uniforms can't possibly be as dull as Karasuno.

I start running as soon as I get to the ground level. I'm not tired immediately.. This is a good sign. I try speeding up. I pass by a convenience store then down past a high school. I stop and notice it's Karasuno. I can't believe I live this close to the school. A light is still on in one of the buildings. I know I shouldn't but I'm too curious to not check it out. I walk up to the building, there is a little window just above a wobbly looking trash can. I carefully balance myself on the can and peak through the little window. "Chance ball!" Shouts one of the boys. "NICE KILL!" Ah, volleyball. I haven't learned much about sports nor have I been interested— a flash catches my eye "Nice kill, Hinata." Wow that kid is fast. Is that what its like to play a sport? Is everyone like that? I see the flash again. It looks like they're going for the same play again. I don't see how the other team can compete— just as I finish the thought another boy dives to keep the ball from hitting the floor. "GREAT SAVE NOYA!" Wow. They're really goo— I lose my balance and fall to the ground. All the athletic stamina and speed but I couldn't get an ounce of agility. I must have hit the ground pretty hard because a group of guys came out to see what the commotion is.

I quickly get back on my feet. "I am sorry for the loud noise, I saw the light and I was curious about what was happening." I say awkwardly. "It's fine, next time you can just use the front door. I am Daichi, the captain of the volleyball team." He reaches a hand out and I shake it softly. "I am Ayame Mizuki. I am transferring here. Tomorrow is my first day."

"You know if you're interested in volleyball, we have a women's team here. I could introduce you tomorrow as well." Daichi says with a smile.

"U-uh, I'm not very athletic. I think I'll find my place soon enough!"

Daichi looks at the wobbly trash can and then back at me. "You got all the way up there with no issues, then balanced for lets say 10 minutes. But you're not active?"

The guys laugh as I blush out of frustration. "I think she would make a great Libero with her height." Calls a boy in the back. "Noya, just because you're short doesn't mean everyone wants to be a libero." Noya steps to the front to shake my hand. "If you need any tips don't hesitate to ask." Noya is a short boy. Not much taller than I am. Seems I get to be reborn as the shortest person in this world. The guys turn away to go back into the building. I start walking back towards the entrance of the school. "Hey! It's pretty late out. Are you sure you want to walk home by yourself?" I turn to see who is speaking. Noya is running up behind me. "I think I can handle myself. Besides, I ran here. I don't think you could keep up anyway."

I was never good at sports so I got reborn in Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now