Chapter 8

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We all walk into the main stadium where we meet up with the rest of the Karasuno guys.

"Hey, Daichi!" Miya calls out.

"Miya!" Daichi calls back excitedly. "When do you girls play your match?"

"I think we're first after you guys. Guess they wanted Aoba Johsai to get knocked out early!"

Daichi laughs.

I peer around him to see the other guys warming up. I end up locking eyes with Noya after he cleanly receives the ball. He winks and continues to warm up.

"Nice save Noya!" Calls the guys.

"We should be playing in the next fifteen minutes." Daichi says.

"Great! We'll head to the locker rooms to get changed then meet back here."

We head to the locker room to see a few teams standing outside.

"Oh look, it's the Karasuno 'team.' Shouldn't your funding have been cut a long time ago. I mean when was the last time you made it to an actual tournament." A girl calls out from behind us. Her shrill voice sounds familiar.

We turn around to see Aoba Johsai's girls.

"Maybe you should go back to chasing around Oikawa. If you don't hurry back he might replace you, Takeda." Minami calls back to her.

She's the girl that was at the apartment. That's Takeda Mei?

Takeda scrunches her face in anger then glares at me. "Toru told me about you. 'Worry about your girls' team huh? What a joke. You gonna cry to Toru when the score is 25 to 0?"

The girls behind her laugh.

I roll my eyes. "I don't know what you have with 'Toru' but leave me out of it. As far as the game, maybe you should find a different sport to play after this match."

The girls grunt with anger as we walk into the locker room.

"You told Oikawa that we were going to win?" Miya says stunned.

"Well..kind of. I mean he kind of pushed me into it. I believe in us." I try to say as confidently as I can. I believe in the team. I just don't know about myself. Why are they counting on me so much? I just got here.

The girls get changed and head to the stadium to watch the boys match. We sit on the boys side to cheer them on. Looks like the match hasn't started yet.

"Tobio!" I look over to see Oikawa yelling and waving from across the court. "Oh, Tobio!"

He's like a completely different person here..Same idiot but there's a different air about him.

I turn to Miya. "Who is Tobio?"

Miya laughs. "It's Kageyama. Oikawa and Kageyama went to the same middle school. Apparently they have some kind of history; now Oikawa teases him every chance he gets. Must be a guy thing." She shrugs.

I look over the court and accidentally lock eyes with Oikawa. He's mouthing something..."We win these." He then grins and looks back to the court. "No shot." I mouthed back. There's no way our guys lose...right?

The match starts. It looks like Karasuno gets the first serve. A blonde haired guy with glasses is serving.

"What's his name?" I ask Miya.

"That's Tsukishima. A first year."

I nod and continue to watch. He throws the ball into the air and hits it. Guess he doesn't know anything fancy.

I was never good at sports so I got reborn in Haikyuu!!Where stories live. Discover now