07 | cotton candy and doughboys

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cotton candy and doughboys

Annual carnivals.

This small town - this small town with some weird dumbass name Haruto hadn't even bothered to remember had annual carnivals. Right, he hadn't been able to believe it the first time he had heard it either. These carnivals were supposed to be fun. Who knew ? Maybe they could even have their first kiss there or something. After all they had done, it would just make sense.

Maybe after Haruto got over the initial shock of seeing Junkyu limping towards him in bloody tatters like he was dying. With all those deep cuts and bruises etched on his porcelain skin like some gruesome artistry of hell. Those whimpers and cries breaking past his lips like he would never be alive again.

Yeah. Maybe.

These were held around March every year by Junkyu's high school. A kind of weird end of term jiggy-wiggy for the boys and girls looking for some quick experimental mid summer sex and for the ones who wanted an excuse to show off their parent's cars and drive without a license.

These carnivals also supposedly had local bands and circuses coming through with lots of free rides. The prospect of sitting on hard, painful wooden benches and watching half naked girls twerking with hoola hoops was pretty sick. But there were supposed to be bands . And he was all for it. Haruto was, after all, a rock and roll boy. It was an hour's drive from the town to a huge field near the outskirts where police cars and actual policemen came for a three day holiday and then went away with their pay cheque.

'FESTA', people called it.

'JIGGY WIGGY', Haruto liked calling it.

It was the same either way. Just a lot of sweating and pushing through crowds and watching people smooch. Unless it rained of course. It always rained in this town. It had been raining on that day too. The day Junkyu came limping toward him. The day that little pretty boy came toward him, crying loudly and miserably like a baby. The day he-

Haruto sneezed loudly, hitting his head on the back of the shotgun seat and went reeling back. He cussed loudly.

Why the fuck did he have to keep thinking about that ?

"A- are you okay ?"

"Do i look okay huh ?", he said groggily, rubbing his already red nose with a tissue. He twisted the wad of paper angrily, spat disgusting sticky sick into it and pitched it out of the open car window. He had, quite conveniently, also lost his umbrella that day. Haruto had been too busy trying to hold the boy in his arms to notice a trifle thing like a lost umbrella. He hadn't even noticed he was soaked to the skin until he'd gotten home.

And well, he had gone down with the flu too. Some good seasoning for his cancer, of course. It was misery. All had been simple, seasoned sickly misery for him the past few days. Of course .

"Come on ! We will be there in a few minutes. You could drink some milkshake there !", Junkyu said from beside him, poking him excitedly on the ribs. Haruto shot him a revolting glare and snapped his head the other way, pretending to be busy looking outside.

And of course, this too. They were going to the carnival.

Mrs.Kim had talked to his parents about some welcome morale booster exactly the day after his second chemo 'for both the boys dear because i feel like they have been through a lot'. His mother had immediately given in

(i wish you go there, Haruto. If not the support group then this. please)

-and here he was. Stuck in the back of his dad's car with Junkyu and their seatbelts fastened tight like kids. He had felt he'd been doing the younger a favor that day by putting on his seatbelt for him. Turned out, he hadn't. It frigging hurt to be strapped in like this. Haruto craned his neck and checked if his dad was looking their way then, slowly, without making a single sound, slowly unfastened his seatbelt and sighed in relief.

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