chapter 1

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(this story is slightly different from the book) "Y/n! Y/n! hurry up, we are going to be late," said the blonde haired boy. "Coming, draco." you yelped while tripping over your bag. Today was the first day of hogwarts and you were already late. "hurry, children." blurted narcissa, helping you up. You picked your bags back up and ran over to draco. He grabbed your wrist and almost dragged you out the door of the malfoy mansion. lucius was out on a work trip so narcissa had to bring yall to the train.

y/n's pov:
Once we got onto the train draco forced me to sit with him. he said it was because he wanted to make sure i didnt do anything "idiotic," but i think it was because he wanted to make sure i was safe. Draco was always a protective brother, and he wanted the best for me. or whatever he thought the best was. We sat down next to a chubby boy and a taller one. "hello." i said trying to force a smile. "hey," both of the boys said in unison. "move," my bother said avoiding eye contact. after a while of sitting and chatting with the two boys a dark haired girl entered the confined space. her name was pansy.

draco's pov: the two boys wont shut it, will they? "crabbe, goyle?" "what?" "shut it." immediately they shut their mouths. the brown haired girl, pansy, kept talking. i didnt quite mind, i was just worried about crabbe and goyle hitting on my little sister. After about 10 more mintues of y/n making small talk with pasny, she asked if she could walk around the train. I was hesitant at first because i didnt want her to get hurt, but i agreed.

y/n's pov: i stood up, and walked out. i wanted to meet other people. i kept my head down trying to avoid making eye contact. i guess you could say im a bit anti-social. then, just then, i ran into something. maybe a someone. it was a frantic boy. i fell down once we collided. he reached out a hand to help me up "im s-sorry miss." he said almost crying. "its alright, love. are you okay?" i said very much concerned for the blue eyed boy. "yes im dec- did you call me love? oh it doesnt matter. have you by any chance seen a toad around? ive lost mine." "no, no i have not. though i can help you look," i replied. "oh that would b-be lo-lovely." "okay, follow me. we can go look at the end of train." i told him, he obliged. "so, whats your n-name?" he asked. "do you have a stutter or are you anxious? also my name is y/n, y/n malfoy." "a malfoy, oh um alright. my name is neville, neville longbottom." "nice to meet you, nev." i chuckled.

neville's pov: wow, theyre pretty. dont blush, dont blush, dont blush. "OH MY GOSH, TREVOR!" i shouted, y/n and i tried to catch trevor for almost ten minutes before y/n could. though i almost wish she didnt. trevor was about to jump over me when y/n leaped and fell on top of me. for about 10 seconds they were sitting on top of me with a toad in their hands. thank god for the other malfoy.

3rd person pov: draco walked out to find his little sister, only to see her sitting on top of a random boy with a toad in her hands. "y/n? Y/N!" you look up to see your brother rushing over to you with a angry look on his face. you quickly stand up and give neville his toad. since yall had to go to the end of the train it would take a while for your brother to reach you. "thank you, t-tulip." at the time you were wearing a shirt with a patch of tulips on it. you gave neville a confused look and he pointed to your shirt. you looked back at him, smiling, "anytime, nev. hopefully i see you around." yall said goodbye and you walked up to draco. he took you to your seats and yall waited until you all got to hogwarts.

thank you for reading. sorry for any mistakes, im
not great at writing. if you have any requests please
tell me :)

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