chapter 1

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Rileys POV: I stepped out of my parents Limo and faced the giant iron gates that opened up to Brixton Academy in London It was raining lightlyso I put on my hood to my black Glamour Kills sweatshirt and bent over to tie the lace of my black converse and fixed the hem to my gray skinny jeans as my driver, Bill, got my red duffle bag and black suitcase out of the car"Here you go Miss Cheever" Bill said and handed me my bags"Thank you Bill" I said and took them. He tipped his hat at me and got back inside the warm dry car and drove away, leaving me standing there alone No driver. No mom. No dad. No best friend Kyle The only reason I was at this stupid boys boarding school was because my parents were sick of me just sitting at home while they were on business trips which was 95% of the time. They said my grades were slowly starting to slip and I needed an attitude adjustment because the last three nannies they hired quite on them. So they decided to send me here,to Brixton Academy all the way in London I'm from California and this is a long way from home. My parentsknow the headmaster who could pull a few strings in order to let me attend, even though I was a female I squinted towards the huge castle-like building and saw someone coming towards me holding an umbrella. The rain started to pick up and I hadnt noticed The gates opened and the boy holding the umbrella came closer. He was very cute wearing black skinny jeans, converse, a white button up shirt with the Brixton logo on the pocket, and a black and blue striped tie"Hello. I'm Shane" He greeted me with a cute british accent and flipped his ong black hair out of his eyes and rain collecting on his silver lip ring"I'm Riley" I responded and smiled weakly back."I've been assigned as your tour guide. I have to take you to the headmaster's office first. So if you'll follow me" Shane responded and picked up one of my bags for me and held the umbrella over my head as well as his which worked out well since he was about 5 inches taller then me. We walked through the the large campus of Brixton eventually reaching the main building and climbing three flights of stairs"Here we are" Shane said and was about to knock on the door when we heard yelling coming from inside"YOU WILL BE ON DISHES DUTY FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH AND HAVE A OFF BY THE END OF TH WEEK!" Came the voice of a very loud angry man who I guessed was the Headmaster"Yes Sir" Came a mumbled response"You may go" The headmaster responded Out walked a boy with shaggy long light brown hair and shockingly green eyes. He was wearing the same shirt and tie as my guide, Shane, but instead of skinny jeans and converse, this boy was wearing khaki pants and black dress shoes He was looking down when he walked out of the office and nearly ran into us. The boy stopped just before crashing into us andglared atShane. "Watch it"he spat. Shane respondedby rolling hiseyes and saying "My badNate! Lets all get out of the way for the all mighty Nate Reynolds" And mocked a bow like this Nate boy was a king Nate responded by getting in Shane's face "Listenyou emo freak-" He started but stopped when he caught sight of me andtook a few steps back from Shane and towards me with a cocky smile and a raised eyebrow"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Nate said slowly looking me up and down with an approving smile."Your a girl". Nate said to me stepping even closer"No shit sherlock" Shane said coming closer to Nate"A girl atBrixton?" Nate asked. "Yes. It's a special favor curtesy of the Headmaster" Shane informed him How did he know that? Ididnt tell him that"Oh your a special favor all right" Nate said and winked at me coming even closer forcing me to back up against the wall He placed a handnext to my head, resting it on the wall and whispered to me, "Why dont you ditch emo boy here? I can show you around the school...and a few other things" Nate finished with a wicked grin I nearly gagged. Sure he was good-looking but come on"No thanks" I said and shoved him away and went to stand by Shane"Shane here is doing a great job" I informed Nate which made a huge smile spread across Shane's face"Come on" Nate responded with the same cocky smile from before. Man was this guy persistent."She said no man" Shane said loudly and stood in front of me, blocking my view of Nate. They were eye to eye and Shane had his fists clenched looking ike he was ready to throw a punch when ever he needed to"Shut up" Nate said and shoved Shane back a few steps, almost bumping into me. Shane's eyes flared with anger. "Stop it!" I yelled and stepped between them placing a hand on both their chest's Just then the headmasters office door opened. All three of us froze and met the glare ofthe headmaster"Whats going on here? All three of you in my office now!" He yelled and stormed into his office The headmasters office was very spacious with blue walls and black trim the school colors. There were trophies on the shelfs to the right of the door and a large bookcase to the left. His desk was straight ahead with three chairs conveniently located in front of it. His golden name plate on his desk read 'Headmaster Stevens'. All three of us took a seat, me in the middle. What a great way to start my first day"You must be Riley Cheever" Headmaster Stevens said while looking at me."Yes sir" I responded. "Your parents are very good friends of mine. It wouldnt be hard to let them know all about this little incident". The headmaster continued then furrowed his brow."What exactly happened anyway?" He asked I opened my mouth to explain but was cut off my Nate's smooth voice."Nothing Sir. Just a little friendly welcome to our new student here" Nate ied with a smile."Is this true, Shane?" Headmaster Stevens asked, looking at Shane who was sitting slouched in his seat, arms crossed and a little tense"Yes" He said curtly"Very well then. Here is your schedule Miss Cheever,a uniform and a schoo handbook. I expect all my students to abide by all the rules in that handbook. Your classes dont start until next week" The headmaster explained handing me a bag with the handbook, my uniform and my schedule in it"Thank you" I responded"But how will Riley find her room?" Shane asked"I think her roommate is very capable of taking her there" The headmaster responded and nodded towards Nate"HE'S my r-roommate?" I asked and looked over at Nate who was sitting in his seat with a satisfied grin on his face.

Im Just The Shy Emo Girl...So WHY Am I At An All Boys Boarding School?(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now