chapter 22

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Riley's POV

Before I knew it, it was Christmas break. We had two weeks off from classes and most students went home during this time. Even Shane was going away Not me. I didnt really want to go home and sit alone in my big empty house and see the friends that secretly hate me. Things between Nate and I had been kind of tense and weird lately. He always seemed mad or upset about something but wheneverI asked him what was wrong, he would just shrug me off and say nothing. I couple of times i've walked into the room and he was fighting over the phone with Avery"You want to talk about it?" I asked him one afternoon while I was sitting on the couch and he had just hung up the phone. "She's just so selfish! Instead of spending Christmas in New York with me and her family she's going to France! Who spends Christmas in France? You would think she would want to see me everynow and then" Nate angrily said and threw some clothes into his suitcase that he was packing."I'm sorry. This long-distance stuff must be rough" I told him. "You have no idea" He said and sat on the couch with his head back, eyes closed."What are you doing over vacation?" Nate asked me. I shrugged. "Your looking at it""What? Your not going back to California?" He asked with concern I shook my head. "No way""Hold on" Nate said and got up and left the room. What was he up to? A few minutes later Nate walked back into the room with a big smile on his face. He walked over to where I was sitting and got down on one knee in front of me. I laughed nervously. "Nate? What are you doing?" I asked as he took one of my hands in both of his"Riley Cheever? Will you come to New York with me over Christmas vacation?" I giggled. "Really?""Yes! I just asked my mother. Christian is going skiing in New Hampshire so he wont be there. It'll just be you and I. And if you dont go, it will just be me" He explained I smiled then bit my lower lip, pretending to think about it. Obviously I was going to go, but I wanted Nate to sweat it out a bit. He let go of my hand and cupped his together and got in begging position"Please! please please please please!" He begged. I laughed "Ok, ok! I'll go" I told him. Nate shot up and engulfed me in a huge, lung crushing hug. "Thank you! Thank you!" Nate thanked me and I hugged him back. "No, thank you" I told him He let me go and looked at his watch. "Ok our flight leaves at 10""Ten!" I yelled. "Nate thats three hours! I havent even packed!""Well maybe you should start" Nate told me and laughed. I playfully glared at him. "Really Nate? Thank you soo much for your great advice!" Nate laughed again and got off the couch. "I'll help you!" He told me and walked to the closet and pulled out my suitcase and duffle bag He opened them both and started taking clothes out of my closet I laughed and shook my head then stood up. "You have to fold them" I told him "If you really want to help, you work on drawers, I'll do my closet""Ok" He agreed and opened my top drawer while I folded some shirts and placed them in my duffle."Oh? Whats this?" Nate asked. "Whats what?" I asked and looked up from packing to see Nate, holding up one of my thongs"Nothing!" I said and jumped up to grab it from him. He held it out of my reach. "Doesnt look like nothing" He told me and winked"Fine! Its a thong! Can I have it back please?" I asked him and made a desperate attempt to grab it from him"You'll have to model it for me sometime" Nate said and winked as he handed it back to me. I grabbed it for him and threw it in my suitcase. "Stay out of that drawer!" I told him I finally finished packing my duffle an hour later and had enough clothes in it to last me two weeks"Done" I said and flopped down on the couch"Did you pack that thong?" He asked me and arched an eyebrow with a smile"Did you pack that thong?" I asked in a high pitched voice, mocking him Nate laughed "Hey! I dont sound like that""Yes you do" I told him. I was glad he was laughing and being himself again"We should probably get going. A cab will be here any minute" He told me."Ok" I told him and threw on a sweatshirt and grabbed my bag"WAIT!" I shouted and threw my bag back on the floor. "I have to say goodbye to Shane!" I yelled and sprinted out of the room I reached Shane's door and pounded on it with my fist. "Shane! Open up!" I called. He opened it and I hugged him. "Guess where I'm going!" I cried and closed the door behind us."Where?" Shane asked with as much excitment as me."New york! With Nate!" I told him and bit my lower lip."Riley! Thats great! Are you going to tell him you love him?" Shane asked and arched his eyebrow I shook my head. "We're just going to have fun. But we're leaving in a few minutes and I wanted to say bye""Ok. I'll see you after break" Shane told me and hugged me again. "Be careful" He whispered in my ear"Will do" I whispered back. "Bye Shane""Bye Riley" I left his room and Nate was waiting outside leaning against the wall with our bags"Ready?" He asked and smiled"Ready.

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