Chapter 10

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Niall's P.O.V

I felt my heart swell with hope. We ran through back streets, alleys, woods following the scent.

Carly's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Zayn still loved. Even after i left him and hid our child from him. He still loved me through all of that.

I looked over at Niall. My heart ached and I flinched at his expression. I wasn't sure if he was about to explode into rage or break down into tears. I couldn't even imagine what he must be feeling. We had to get Jade back or I'm sure that Niall would loose his humanity. That's all he had left. That, Jade, and us but i doubt after he found the only person he could link with and have her ripped out of his hands he would be able to stay the way he is with just us.

I turned my head to Zayn as I kept running. Electricity buzzed through my body just looking at him. He was so beautiful, just like his daughter.

His expression was neutral, but his eys seemed bottomless as if he was in another world. I felt strands of worry rug at me. I wished I could understand how he felt.

In some ways, I was jealous of Jade. Niall and her shared a link. They had a special bond. But, in a lot of ways I felt Zayn and iwere closer. We were both vampires, we both loved eachother so much, and we had a child.

Vampire born children were rare. Only 5 others have been born. All of then had some special ability. I didnt know Rose's. Maybe that's what Zayn waz thinking about. Did he feel cursed with a child? Was he blessed like I was? I felt my vision start to blur with tears. My heart and mind still feared losing him.

I quickly turned away not wanting Zayn to see me cry.


my eyes flipped open. I almost started to cry aware that I had not had a horrible night mare. I was still imprisoned.

My head looked down to my right wrist to see the tight cuffs had started to rub my flesh so raw, I was bleeding. It was so cold, it was just a slight unimportant pain. I twisted my left wrist and gasped when I realized it was much looser than the right.

Instantly I began to try to wriggle out. The freezing temperature made th gashes in my wrist and hand a lot less painful. My whple body was pumping wjth emotions, adreniline, thoughts of my mom, of Niall.

After about 15 minutes and a lot of rusty chain cutting into my skin, I slipped my hand though. I was so close to bursting into tears at th sight of all the blood. I reached my free hand around, finally able toget my arms around and took the safety pin out of my bathjng suit top. As soon as I got it unclipped, I began to pick the lock on the cuffs. I wasnt exactly a 'good kid' when I was younger. Joy rushed through me as I heard the lock make a small click.

Trembling, I freed my right hand and stood up. I looked down at myself. I was dirty, scratched, and bruised, but alive. I stood up and wobbled to the door, realizing how stiff my body was. I had no idea if I had been in there for minutes or hours.

I reached out to open the door, but there wasn't any doorknob. Panic started to creep through my body but I swallowed it down. I turned around to see a medium sized hole in the wall at the top. It must have been to let in air so i wouldn't die of suffication. 

Running over, i jumped up and grabbed the window sile and started to pull myself up. The musles in my arms began to burn, but i ignored it letting the adrenaline in my blood push through all the pain. I wasnt normally weak, but i wasn't exceptionaly strong either.

Sweat shortly began to form as i finally pulled half of my body up. I swung my legs over, just barely able to hold my weight and balance.

The first thing  i noticed was the blinding sunlight, the crunch of dead leaves and damp grass under my hands, the smell of the cool air and a forest.

A forest? Were the hell am I?

I slowly stood up trying to block the, what i realized was, the late afternoon sun. It just appeared bright after being in a barely lit prison.


I imagine my voice traveling through the air as I sent the thought to him. Almost immediately i got a response.

Jade! Were are you? Are you okay?

In some forest. I don't know.

GOOD! I think were almost to you. Hide!

I quickly started to run into the trees, trying to find a place to hide when a rustle of air and leaves started in the distance. My heart dropped. I ducked behind a large shrub, praying that i would be able to see Niall again.

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