Chapter 1

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My dogs barked furiosly for me to let them in. They barked and yapped. I groaned and got up from my computer and slowly strolled over to the back door. I swing the door open and the alarm system sends out a sharo beep letting the house know a door has opened.

"Shula! Rusty! Sookie!" Shula and Rusty came trotting inside, but my chihuahua (Sookie) :was no where to be seen. I kept calling her name but she wouldn't come. I heard a small yip come from the couch so i walked over and away from the back door to see who made the noise. Sure enough, there was Sookie curled up in the blanket, looking at me like i was stupid. She was never even outside.

A rush of air flowed through the back door causing a cold shiver down my spine. I had forgot to shut it so i turned around and slammed it shut.


I jumped at the sound. It came from my room on the other side of the house. I felt my heart beat a little faster. I ran to my room making sure i would have balance when i walked into my room. I knew karate because i was taught at a young age and have been in the sport since then. I was also a gymnast so I knew how to defend myself.

I grabbed my handle and pushed the door open slowly. I cautiously walked in. The lights were off and barely any light shown through my windows from the moon. I took to steps in and someonewho was hiding in the shadows to my right quickly grabbed me. I was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth. I tried to struggle but the intruder didnt even move. One arm wrapped around me, holding my arms, the other holding my mouth shut. But the attacker was gentle. They didnt seem like they were trying to hurt me.

I felt tears streak my cheeks and my heart punding in my ears.

"Please don't scream. I'm not here to hurt you." It sounded a teenage boy. He had an Irish accent. "If I let you go you have to promise to be quiet and let me explain." I nodded my head.

He started to releash his grip on me. When he took a step back I instantly swung around, lifting my foot to kick him. I only saw the outline of him when i swung around. He grabbed my foot before it could hit him.

"HEY! What was that for?" He said as my eyes began to adjust to the dark. I pulled my foot out his grip and held my hands up ready to defend myself. When his face finally came into focus I could see his hansome face. He had blond, messy hair but it was sexy. Once my eyes fully adjusted, I saw exactly who it was.

"OH MY....GOD! Your.... no you can't be.... but?" I was stunned.

"I'm Niall Hor..." He bagan but i finished for him.

"Niall Horan from britsh-Irish boy band One Direction who competed in The X-Factor but wouldn't go on as individuals so Simon put you guys into a group." I said completly shocked.

"I was just gonna say 'Niall Horan'. And you are?"

"Jade. Wait. How did you get here? Why are you here? Oh my god I'm like a huge fan!" That last part i didn't mean to say. I felt my face flush and my cheeks burn red.


Niall's P.O.V.

She was beautiful. She had light gray eyes and blonde hair that fit her face perfectly. I didn't mean to intrude into her home. I knew she was the only person home, there were no other heart beats I could here. I only came into heer home because the door was opened. It was only a myth us creatures couldnt go into a house without being invited.

"I was just gonna say 'Niall Horan'. And you are?"

"Jade. Wait. How did you get here? Why are you here? Oh my god I'm like a huge fan!" Her face turned a light red when she realized what she said. She looked even more adorable like that.

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