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When Sharon finally appeared, only half of her body moved out of the portal. Both her hands were still stuck on the other side, seemingly lugging a heavy object. It took a burst of force for her to pull it through, revealing a severed pitch-black arm that was more than ten metres long and three metres thick. The arm fell to the blue crystal floor with a heavy thud the moment it came through, sinking deep into the ground. The exposed portion leaked thick, ink-black blood that created a corrosive mist the moment it landed. If it wasn’t for the magical properties of the blue crystals making them resistant to corrosion, a deep hole would have been formed in the ground.

Sharon finally jumped out of the portal, landing on the arm. She waved her own, and a the blood seeping out of the devil’s arm started floating up and converging into a spinning orb that steadily grew larger.

”Looking at the converging blood, the legendary mage sighed. She looked at Gaton, asking helplessly, “Do you want some of this?”

Gaton’s face turned gloomy as he shook his head, “I have no use for it.”

She immediately let out a sigh of relief, stowing the blood somewhere hidden as she spoke up, “Good, it isn’t worth much anyway! Tch, that big fellow ran away and I only managed to get his arm, what a pity. It isn’t enough to make up for the loss with the coordinates. It seems like you came back without much reward as well, little Gaton.”

Gaton let out a long breath, “Being able to kill more than a thousand devils is reward enough. Besides, this will make you credible with the archdevil, and that will be a great way to teach the Schumpeters an unforgettable lesson! If they don’t react quick enough, they may even be destroyed!”

A layer of frost covered Sharon’s tiny face the moment the Schumpeters were brought up, “Hmph, these guys have some nerve, messing with my little Richard! They think I can’t deal with the big families of the Sacred Alliance directly, so they try these little tricks! I’ve been busy getting rich the past few years, spending little time in Norland. It seems like these fellows forgot the lesson I taught them all those years ago! I may be shy to act, but I can always force others to act on my behalf!

“Wait, no way! I lost my little Richard, there’s no way I’m letting them off that easy! I can’t just rely on the devils alone… There’s some people I’m… umm… “familiar” with in the Abyss. Little Gaton, the portal is right there, take your troops back. I have to make a trip to the abyss, I need to visit one of the old fellows there!” The legendary mage grew angrier as she spoke, even brandishing her fist. She ignored the fatigue and injuries, immediately opening a portal and rushing through without pause.

Watching the fire and lava shooting out of the portal, Gaton had a bewildered expression on his face. Sharon’s reaction to Richard being lost in the streams of time was much worse than even his; he was the boy’s father!


In the depths of one of the hells was an iron palace that was a few hundred metres tall. It was black in colour, coming from the spit of the many imps who were tasked with building it. The baptism of devil spit made the metal resistant to the corrosive atmosphere of hell, making it extremely valuable in other planes. Even a small piece of this metal could fetch a sky high price in other planes; something that could resist hell’s corrosion was virtually indestructible almost everywhere else.

Thousands of devil soldiers were gathered at the plaza in front of the palace. Their bodies were naturally strong, comparable to the armour mankind used in battle.

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