Monster In The Shadow

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The past few weeks had been miserabel. You'd lost your job and had been kicked out of the apartment you'd been staying. You decided that you don't care anymore. You started drinking more often then you did before.
One night you were going back from club but you had strange feeling that someone was watching you,you just shrugged it off and continued to walk. From nowhere you feel someone pull you in dark alley. You fell to the floor...
You feelt a heel slam into your stomach. The point left a deep mark that blood soon began to well at. "You'll need to make some noise for me honey,or else this just won't be fair will it? A gorgeus women for a few screams is small price to pay,isn't it darling? She put you in chokehold and sit like that for 1 min. She then lowered her mouth to your neck and started biting. She smiled into your neck as she took another bite and ripped the flesh from your neck. You began to feel blood coming up your throat. She kept on feating and you began to cought. Soon the coughting turned  to a light headed feeling as you watched her pull up. Gore covered her face as she smiled at you and ran her tongue over her blood covered lips. Last thing you saw were her yellow eyes staring down at you as the satisfied monster faded away. "Don't worry darling" she whispered to you "it happens to everyone..." and that's when darkness surrounded you...

(Words count:262)
(I know it's not a lot but i think it's good for first chapter)

Evelynn x readerWhere stories live. Discover now