"So Dramatic Princess"

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Adrien and Marinette were bestfriends since they were six. Their parents had some sort of business together causing them to meet.

After about five more playdates, well being left alone in their playroom's, they were inseparable.

Unfortunately they weren't allowed to go to school, which made them in more closer. Oh and too top it all of they were next door neighbors, yeah that pretty much settles it.

Adriens mom had past away about six years ago when he was twelve. Leaving them all devastated, crying apon days, weeks and months.

But Adrien managed to get through it with the help of the Dupains especially Marinette and his therapist.

Years later they could laugh about some of their childhood memories without crying about her death.

Knocking was heard from his door, bring him out of his thoughts.

"Adrien I'm coming in, you better have clothes on" she warned, barging in like she owned the place. And jumping on his soft mattress.

Digging her face into his pillows, she inhaled the smell of his cologne, spreading out her limbs like a star fish.

Chuckling Adrien looked at her from his desk, stood up and ran towards the bed flopping face down beside her.

"I love your bed" Marinette sighed, turning over looking at his tall ceiling. 

"I love you in it too" he smirked also turning over. Moving to rest his head on the crook of her neck.

Blushing slightly, Marinette swiftly grappled a pillow and flung it at him ,hitting him in the face.

"Hey" he laughed putting his hands up in surrender.

"I was joking............ unless" he purred.

"I'm leaving" Marinette said, rolling her eyes, getting up. Seeing this Adrien sighed, wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him.

"Okay I'm done" he said snuggling back into her neck.

"So dramatic Princess" he whispered softly.

"Shut it" she growled snuggling back into the pillows.

"PMSing much" Adrien rolled his eyes.

"I said shu-" she was cut off when Adrien flipped her over, pushing her face in his neck to shut her up.

Not even bothering to put up an argument, Marinette wrapped her delicate arms around him, digging her face into his neck.

Adrien once again rolled his eyes playfully, stoking her hair. "Better not get blood on my bed, you literally emptied my draw and stuffed it with tampons" Adrien recalled.

Reciving no answer he just assumed she was asleep until he felt her soft lips in his neck, sending sparks through him.

"Sure babe" she sleepily said, leaving him blushing.

Unfortunately he couldn't get her back, hearing her quiet snores.

Blushing he moved the hair from her forehead and placed a swift kiss.

Cuddling more into her, falling into a peaceful sleep.

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