Chapter 1

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I remember feeling a lump in my throat as I watched the love of my life exchange vows with someone else. Every word they said felt like a sharp knife to my heart, and I could feel myself crumbling inside. My mind was racing with thoughts of what could have been, and all I could do was plaster a smile on my face and pretend that everything was okay. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of sadness, and no one could hear my silent screams. It was as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest and was being torn apart into a million tiny pieces right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do about it because I was Haley and Haley's feelings were never that big of a deal.


7 years ago,

I stepped into the world's most horrifying place,


A place where People tend to view you as having either the best or worst time of your life, based on your background, social standing, and network of friends, but the truth is that everyone is fighting their own battles regardless of who they are or where they are from. It is true that some people may appear to have it much easier than others. This could be due to factors such as their upbringing, friendships, academic "gifting," or simply being wealthy or attractive. That being said, no matter what, everyone experiences hardships, and most people are unaware of this. Although it may appear so, nobody is genuinely happy.

As I scanned my eyes through the corridor, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment that my best friend Riley was nowhere in sight. I was hoping to catch up with her before class started. But instead, I found myself bumping into the person who I least liked - Raya Collins.

Raya was your stereotypical rich brat - she had everything, the money, the looks, the body, and she knew it. That's what made her so annoying. But one thing for sure she didn't have was a heart. That girl was hardcore mean, she did not give two shits about people's feelings as long as she got what she wanted. After bumping into Raya, I could feel the anger bubbling inside me. Raya Collins was not someone who I would ever willingly spend time with. Her snobbish attitude and cruel nature made her a person that I avoided at all costs. However, as much as I disliked her, I couldn't help but notice how stunning she looked. Her beauty was undeniable, and it only added to her already inflated ego. I was tempted to say something nasty to her, but I decided to take the high road and walked away without a word. I continued to search for Riley, hoping to catch up with her soon.Raya just gave me the world's biggest side eye and just brushed past me and honestly, I didn't expect anything more.

"Hi stranger," said a distinct voice that could awaken me from a coma. It was a voice I would recognize from anywhere. The timbre of his voice was deep and soothing, and it sent shivers down my spine. Despite the fact that I had not heard from him in months, I still knew it was him.

"Hi Ryan," I responded nonchalantly, trying to conceal the effect his voice had on me. My stomach did cartwheels upon hearing his voice, but I didn't want to show it. I was happy to hear from him, but also a little nervous. We had not spoken in a while, and I didn't know what to expect.

"Hi love, how are you doing?" he said

To avoid any misunderstandings, let me clarify that Ryan and I are NOT a couple, although I've always wanted us to be. We've been best friends since elementary school. It was our little friend group back then with me, Ryan, Riley and even Raya but now she is just unrecognisable, over time we grew apart, and she is no longer the same person. Riley and I have never been closer. Despite this, I still decided to confess my feelings to Ryan last year, even though it was clear he had loved Riley since elementary school and everyone was aware of it. But the thing was I expected to move to a different country for high school, but my sister's decision to stay here with her boyfriend changed everything.

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