Chapter 5

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I was stunned to see him standing there I honestly thought that he would have tried to ignore me or cover it up and push it to the back of his mind, I turned around and if I'm quite honest I was pretty pissed off at him and I'm sure that he if all people knew that.

"Nice to know you're still alive then" I snarled he Sighed and looked up with his big blue eyes staring at me "lis, look I'm so sor-"
"Dougie I don't want to hear you're Pathetic excuses I'm not in the mood, so don't even attempt to come in here and think that everything is alright because you know deep down that it's not you know how much you hurt me and you promised me yet you broke that promise just like you broke up the one bit of trust and family life I had, 8 years Doug, 8 bloodily years I was in that stupid place for all I knew you could have been dead and buried but no you where off having the time of you're life not taking a second thought of who should have meant the most to you" I had finally started to get it off my chest but that was only the beginning.

"Look I'm so sorry for everything that I've done I really really am but before you go back in there the lads don't know that you em....well...exist" he aid looking down "so if you could just like not mention it that would be great and plus I've got a girlfriend" "yea so I heard danny kept banging on about how she's properly imaginary or something" "yea but em tonight's the first night that there going to meet them she doesn't know either so maybe if you could just be Danny's new daughter for the time being that would be great yea thanks" and with that he ran out if the kitchen.

I was quite shocked the way he acted to be honest I just pushed it all aside for the moment and went back into the living room to find danny and to talking "yea man I think it will be great to be honest like she's not a child she can look after herself and stuff, I think she's coming to Australia with us to I don't know yet though.. she plays guitar and she writes songs so hopefully.. George is in Liverpool at the moment and is then heading up home to York to tell her family about what we have done so she won't be back for a bit it will give me that time to get to know her a bit better" and with that I walked In.

"Did you find the kitchen alright" I just nodded and sat down beside danny again and smiled "em where's dougie gone" I asked danny answered "oh he's gone to pick up this girlfriend of his, Harry's on his way over with izzy and gi will be here shortly to so you can meet them" I just nodded and danny and tom went back into a conversation about Australia.

After a big of jumping from different topics the door bell rang tom got up to answer it and I looked at danny nervous he smiled and whispered "it'll be alri darlin' " I smiled and looked at the doorframe to find a tall enough muscly bloke with brown hair and a harry potter scar on the side of his head I couldn't see his eyes as he had sunglasses on, beside him stood a petit little woman with shoulder length hair and a tiny waist they looked like a match made in heaven if you ask me he had his big bulky arm around her tiny little waist, she wore a floral print dress to the knee with black tights and black court shoes while he wore a checked shirt and jeans, the woman smiled at he and sat down on the sofa opposite me while the lad sits down beside he removing his sunglasses his blue eyes slowly shifted from danny to me just like what tom had done at the door.

"Soo danny who's this" he said in a pervey tone while winking at me the woman beside him hit his arm and speaks "oh harry be nice you have to get to know the child before you hit on her" she said with a giggle, I looked over at danny who was now about to open his mouth when the key turned in the lock of the front door and a voice echoed thorough the house "hello boys I'm home is iz here yet I hope I haven't missed Doug's new woman" she said with a laugh as he turned around into the sitting room "oh hello Darling u ok come on let's you into the kitchen with izzy and I so we can rescues you for this ugly lot" she said with a laughter as the others woman got up I followed to hear three different voices shouting "HEY" as we left the room.

I walked back into the kitchen and I introduced myself we were talking and the girls were introducing them selfs the petit woman with the muscly man her name was izzy and the other woman who walked in the door was Giovanna but she prefers Gi, just as we where getting to know each other danny comes bursting thought the door like a 6 year old kid on christmas morning "there here there really really here" and ran back to the front room we where all in stitches, as we followed him into the room.

We sat there for about 90 seconds when the front door opened and in walked dougie with this beautiful blond hair girl she was tall maybe the same hight as dougie, she has wavy bleached blond hair and her sparkling hazelnut eyes dougie cleared his throat and said "guys this is my girlfriend Ellie" she smiled as dougie grabbed he hand and sat down I could see that they had something special.

Wishing, Waiting, HopingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang