chapter one

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after a long day reading homestcuk, y/n decides to check on their discord kitten, ed sheeran. 

they logged onto discord and messaged him. 

"hi eddie! hows my kitten😏" they typed. they waited for ed to reply, but he didnt. 

WTF! y/n was ENRAGED. 

y/n hit the call button and finally, eddie picked up.

"oh, hi y/n!" said ed


"writing songs...." said ed

"did you claim my nitro gift" said y/n, frustrated

"sorry y/n... i gifted it to someone else... i dont need nitro!" 

y/n hung up out of anger

"im sorry eddie..." they started typing, "i dont think youre fit to be my kitten anymore"

y/n hesitantly sent the message

ed sheeran was shocked, he thought he was being a good boy 

y/n hit that block button on  eds profile and realized something

they needed a new discord kitten...

(end of chapter 1)

ed sheeran x reader x tankmenWhere stories live. Discover now