chapter 5

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"steve... he is NOT hot" Y/N typed

they couldnt believe they might be losing one of their kittens (steve)

Y/N private messaegd steve

"hey steve if you and ed start kitten dating i will not hesitate to cancel your nitro!"

"ummm ya sure ok, Y/N!" said steve

steve reaallly wanted to kitten date ed so he decided to pm him...

"hey lol ;)" said steve

"o////o" said ed

"0//w//0" said steve

Y/N was NOT trusting steve... so they had a great idea

"hey steve!" Y/N dmed him

"hi Y/N?" said steve

"we've known each other for a few days, i think its time we meet!!!!"

ed sheeran x reader x tankmenWhere stories live. Discover now