Chapter 3: A Friend Reborn

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This is Fracture, he used to be an Autobot for the city of Praxus. Then the Seekers attacked the city of Polyhex. That was when Fracture decided he was ready for a new carrer

(Blasting sound effect)

So he quit the arena and hired himself out as an armed guard for caravans crossing Cybertron. On most cycles, it was pay for pretty easy work.

This is not one of those days

(Blasting continues)

Fracture: Well, I thought this was going to be an easy job... small caravan, short route, far from Motor Drone garages... a cinch. I should have remembered this Cybertron. There are no easy jobs here

(Seekers running approach to Fracture)

Fracture: Okay, If I can make it to those rocks up there, I can hold them off for a while. It's not far, right? Few hundred feet.

(jumps up)

Fracture: Only seems like a million miles! Go! Go!

(keeps jumping and transforms into vehicle)

Seeker: Drag him out of there... piece by piece, if you have to!

(Transforms back)

Fracture: Now that's a truly disgusting suggestion! (gun blaster shoots)

Fracture: I just wish I knew how to stop them. But that might take a miracle. And--

(Bright light with a red and yellow approach to Cybertron)

Fracture: What is--

Seeker #1: --That??

Seeker #2: It's falling to the east!

Seeker #3: Is it a weapon?

Fracture: Now. While the Seekers are distracted. Time to move

(Transforms into Motorcycle)

Fracture: Not sure what made that light in the sky... But it just became my favorite thing in the world. Ever

On the planet view...

A shooting star coming between Cybertron's Moonbases

Alithex, city of the Decepticon Seekers.

For months now. The Seekers have been capturing Insectiicons and training them to be "guard insects." The training has been brutal and not all the insects have survived.

Insections are steel dwellers. They are used to open steel and endless sky, and they hate to be chained

(Insecticon free from the chains)

Some hat it more than others. Even among the Seeker, a maddened Insecticon can be a menace. At least sometimes

Tank Drone: What have we here?

(Tank Drone choking the Insecticon)

Tank Drone: On your leash, you're a piece of Seeker property. Off it, you're just one more miserable beast to be put down

Starscream: Tank Drone! Do you have nothing better to do than torment the livestock?

Tank Drone: Would you rather I let it run loose? You know the damage these filthy beasts can do

Starscream: This is what we have warriors for to clean up the mess. Put it down. Now

(Tank Drone put Insecticon down)

Tank Drone: I must have some amusement. It has been weeks since Polyhex, and the army is chained to this place just as much as those Insecticons are. When do we attack?

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