Chapter 11 - Training, and the unexpected.

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Training. Other Districts. Training. Katniss. Training. Other Districts. Cato. Marvel. Katniss. Training.

Those were the things rattling inside my head. They would keep revolving, like a conveyer belt . Once one had slipped out my mind, it was quickly replaced with the next. Nothing, there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop them revolving

Training. Other Districts. Training. Katniss. Training. Other Districts. Cato. Marvel. Katniss. Training.

I shook my head, get out! I placed my fingers to my temples and rubbed slowly. It seemed to ease my mind, put it at rest. Only to be replaced by the sudden banging on my door. I swear, if everyone keeps banging on that door like a gong, that door isn't going to be there.

"Oh my GOD! Go away!" I screamed, and placed my pillow on my head.

"Don't want to be late for training Clove!" Brutus answered. I sighed heavily, great, that was going to set my mind off again.

Training. Other Districts. Training. Katniss. Training. Other Districts. Cato. Marvel. Katniss. Training.

I scrunched the pillow harder around my face, but I had to stop since I couldn't breathe. I shot out of bed and quickly got changed back into my training outfit. I might even be able to see Marvel show me his talent. Considering Cato stole my opportunity to see it last night. Also, I must remember to have a shower tonight, don't want to smell disgusting.

I strided out into the hallway only to notice that I was the last in again.

"Someone give me a break." I muttered and made my way up the small amount of steps to the dining table. The smells entered my nose, causing my mouth to water. I plonked down next to Cato and felt his hand creep its way onto my leg. He gave it a slight squeeze, causing me to giggle.

"Clove?" Carla asked inquisitivley.

"Nothing." I replied, then turned to Cato and smiled.

I tucked into the food. There was: sasauges, eggs, beans, bacon, toast, tomatos and something called hash browns. I seemed to be rushing everything today. Must be eagerness to get down to training. I polished off it off quickly, I was raring to go. I looked over at Cato, he must of been finished ages ago. I wonder why he gets up so early?

"You two ready too go?" Carla asked.

My eyes met with Cato's and he gave a slight nod.

"Yes." I replied facing Carla again.

"Well then, let's go!" She said clapping her hands. She either finds every thing to be happy about, or she is a 3 year old child stuck in a 25 year old body.


"Marvel!" I screeched. I didn't care, seen as it was only District 1 here.

"Hey Clove." Marvel said in return. He picked me up in his arms and spun me around. So this was what it was like to have a best friend. I heard Cato cough behind me, and I felt Marvel lowering me down. It was quite a way down seen as he was so bloody tall.

"So where are the others?" I asked too everyone.

"I don't know." Both Cato and Marvel said together.

"Look's like they have just arrived." Glimmer said pointing behind us.

We all turned to face the doors which we had arrived through, there were people, or should I say tributes, pilling through the doors. There was only one person who I was searching for. Katniss. Then I saw her, her brown hair plaited into a braid which fell loosly on her right shoulder. Next to her was a pale, blonde haired boy. A bit taller than Katniss, but not as tall as Cato or Marvel. She caught my eye and looked away, it sent a chill through my body knowing I had a power over someone. A woman behind us began to speak up, calling us all over. I slipped my hand into Cato's and made our way over to this woman. She ordered us to spread out in a semi circle around her.

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