Chapter 15 - The Games

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 [Authors Message...]

So I know you guys wanted the games, they are going to be completely different to the book and the film. My own twist! Please play the music at the side, it's very fitting!

                    [Please Vote :3] 

My legs were moving, I couldn’t stop them. My heart was bounding through my chest, each beat pushing me forward. People were coming from every angle, my legs were hurting but I kept keep running. If I didn't, I know my life would be over. 

The cornucopia was within my grasp. I could see Cato out of the corner of my eye, picking a sword up in his hands then quickly spearing a child; a child from district 4 the one with curly hair. I ran forward and grabbed the backpack nearest to me. I swung it over my shoulder then reached for something raveled up in a tight cylinder shape. I knew that thing from anywhere. I picked it up and quickly secured it around my waist. Each knife was slotted nicely in place. 

A sharp pain seared through my right thigh. I screamed out in pain and stared down, clutching my thigh. An arrow was set deeply into my thigh. Come on Clove, fight the pain; my father’s voice said in my head. Fight the pain, fight the pain; I reassured myself. I grabbed the arrow shaft and pulled it out from my leg and dropped it to the ground, still clutching my thigh tightly. I scanned my surroundings and saw a girl standing there, an arrow poised into her bow. I cocked head. Katniss. 

She let the arrow fly and I dodged it quickly and easily; rolling onto my good leg behind a crate. My breath was getting quicker. I took a glance down at my leg and it was bleeding heavily. I heard a set of footsteps behind me so I quickly cowered back into the crate resting my back on my backpack. 

A face appeared before me. It was Cato's. He stooped down next to me, and all of a sudden, tears were making their appearance down my face. I couldn't stop them.

"Shh, Clove. You’re going to be okay." He said pressing some cloth to my leg then binding it around my leg with a tight knot. A spear came down my side, missing me by a couple of inches. I took my knife out of my belt and turned and threw it over my shoulder. I could tell it missed because the person put their arms on my shoulder. Marvel.

"Is she alright?" Marvel asking before punching another tribute right out and stabbing them in their heart. He turned back to me.

"Katniss, it was Katniss." I said more confidently. 

"Come on, most of the tributes have gone now." Cato said pulling me up, my arms around his shoulders to support me. 

We made our way to the entrance to the cornucopia, me limping every now and again. My mind began  wheeling and as soon as we were in the cornucopia I collapsed onto the floor, my backpack giving me some sort of comfort when I collided with the hard floor. I leaned my head and back against the side of the metal wall. 

Marvel and Glimmer stepped inside and brought in many of the left over weapons and backpacks. Glimmer knelt down beside me and undid my bandage. 

"I'm fine." I said, trying to swat her hands away.

"My mother was a nurse and the hospital, so I know a thing or too." She said still working  at my wound. 

She dabbed some water into it and pressed some sort of plant onto it. The pain was easing and I could finally let out the big breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

"Thank you." I muttered looking into her deep green eyes. 

"It's okay." She said before getting up to sort out the food and water from the backpacks. 

Cato sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug. His warmth was inviting and I smelled the familiar sent of him, but it was mixed with dried blood. 

"Your fine, I knew you would be." He said into my hair, laughing a little, sending a chill running down my spine. 

"You do realize, that when I next see her, she is dead." I say looking over his shoulder. My breath catches in my throat. 

"TRIBUTE!" I screamed. Cato leaped out of my arms, his sword poised ready for action. 

"Wait! Stop, don't!" The blonde headed boy says. 

"Why?" Marvel says standing next to Cato. They have both blocked my view from the boy. He looked like the blonde haired boy who was accompanying Katniss from District 12. What was his name again? Peter...wait..Pierce? Oh yes, Peeta.

"I know..." He said stuttering.

"Hurry up, or you’re dead." Cato said.

"I know where to find Katniss." Peeta said.

"Katniss?" I said.

Cato and Marvel part so I can look at Peeta. I stretched my hands up and Cato came walking and helped me up. 

"You know where to find Katniss?" I said staring into Peeta eyes.

"Y-yes." He said. 

"You're in." I said stretching my hand out to shake his. But I am quickly spun around so my back is facing Peeta.

"What are you doing? He can't be with us, he is just a measly kid from D12. At least talk to me first." Cato said.

"No, he knows where to find that son of a bitch Katniss. I'm not letting her get away with shooting me. End of." I said spinning back around on good leg to face Peeta again.

"Yes or no?" Peeta said a little confused.

"Yes, welcome." I said with a smile on my face. 


It was starting to get dark now, the stars were making there appearance in the black sky. I crept up away from the side of Cato, he was sleeping peacefully next to me. Marvel was on watch just outside the mouth of the Cornucopia. I tried to be silent creeping up to him, but with my bad leg, it wasn't that easy.

"Hey." Marvel said still staring out onto the field. 

""Hey." I said edging my way down next to him. 

"Look I'm sorry-" Marvel said after a long silence of us both looking out into the arena. I placed my finger on his lips silencing him. 

"I'm sorry, Cato shouldn't have done that." I say staring into his dark brown eyes. They were melting me. He was actually very good looking, and I could tell that I would fall head over heels with him if it wasn't for Cato.

He was staring down at my finger before a sound of a canon blasted through the arena. He pulled me into his arms as the canons kept on raging on. I started to keep count of how many ones were firing. After the last one sounded, there were 13 in total. After the canons ended, pictures of the 13 tributes showed up in the sky.

"The Fallen tributes." Marvel said surveying the sky. 

I looked up to him, not stopping myself this time. I pressed my lips to his cold cheek and stayed there for a few second before pulling away. He looked at me weirdly before leaning in. I stopped him by pressing my fingers to his lips again.

"That was for friendship only." I chuckled. 

"Oh, okay." He said blushing.

"Don't worry about it." I said.

We stayed in each other’s arms for a bit before I  heard rustling behind me. Considering how loud the noises were, I guessed it was Cato. He moved a lot in his sleep.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said before painfully getting up and making my way back to Cato's side, deep inside the Cornucopia. 

I snuggled down into his side and he subconsciously put his arms around me. I stared up into his sleeping eyes and kissed him firmly on the lips. He didn't react, he was dead to the world. I smiled and rested my head underneath his chin and let the world of sleep take me in its arms.

                    [Authors message...again...]

Before any of you moan at me, I AM CHANGING THE WHOLE GAMES! Please vote, I am trying to get to 100 votes in total! :D  -.- 

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