I don't see why I need a title...

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I followed Jake around the house for about an hour while he greeted his friends. I would shyly stand behind him and wave as the said hello. As promised, he stayed with me the entire time, always keeping his hand on my waist or locked in mine.

More than once a girl had come up to him and hung on to him like a life line. it was quite awkward considering they tried to push them selfs between Jake and I. He would politely push them off and said he wasn't interested, sending pointed glances at me. They would glare at me and then sulk off to find thier next victim. 

Two hours after we arrived, I was getting quite bored. I didn't have anything to drink, because I was, one, underage, and two, not ready to get drunk yet. Jake on the other hand had at least three beers, and on his fourth, so he was tipsy. 

I was about to ask if we could leave when someone shouted "Let's play spin the bottle!"

Normally I would laugh and say that this was a totally cliche thing to do at a party, and I did. I chuckled slightly as everyone whooped and agreed with yelled "yes's". Never the less, I was curious. I've always wondered if they happened to be exactly like all the book and movies, or if it was something completly different. 

"Do you want to play?" Jake asked from next to me.

"Sure, I've always wanted to."

"Great!" He smiled and started pulling me into the living room. I sat next to him as a group of about twenty people made a huge circle in the middle of the living room. 

Jake offered his now empty beer bottle to put in the middle.

"Okay, rules. whoever spins the bottle has to kiss the person it lands on. I don't care if you're a guy and it lands on another guy. Same goes for you girls. If you do not or will not kiss the person, both of you must take a shot of vodka. Got it? Good!" A girl, who im guessing was Amelia, said as everyone settled down.

I looked around and saw three of Jakes friends and four of the girls that had hit on jake earlier. The were all looking at him like a peice of meat. I smiled and chuckled. Yeah, my bestfriend was hot. I could see why they would go for a guy like him. Not only was he hot, but he was a complete gentleman. I would be lying if i said I didnt have a crush on him. It was actually more than a crush. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him. He's just everything that I've always wanted in a guy. I've grown up with the boy, I know everything about him, and he knows everything about me. SOmetimes I think he does little things on purpose so that my feeling with get bigger, but then I remind myself that he doesnt know I have a crush on him...

I jumped as Jake nudged me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"You just sort of stared of into space."

"Oh, just thinking. You know, there are like, four girls in this group who would kill just to kiss you, right?" 

He looked around and smirked, "Yeah, I know."

My slight smile dropped. I don't really want to play the game now. watching some other girl make out with Jake would be awful. I sighed and just as I did the bottle landed on me. 

I looked up, confused, who spun the bottle? Glancing around the circle I saw on of Jakes friends hold up his hands. "Whoa, no offense Mel, but i don't feel like having my head ripped off by Jake. I back out.

Still confused, I looked at Jake to see him glaring at, Donovan, I think his name is. A girl placed a shot glass infront of me, holding what looked like water, but from the smell, I knew it wasn't. I looked up at Jake and he nodded his head slightly. I knew Jake was protective. He didnt want my first kiss to be with some random guy. Yes, i'm almost eighteen and still havent had my first kiss, sue me. But I knew he would also see me home safe if I had to much to drink, so I grabbed the shot and downed it fast. It burned, a lot. I almost gagged at the taste of it too, but held it down.

A couple minutes later, I could feel the effects of the vodka. What can I say, I'm a light weight. I started feeling dizzy so I leaned on Jake's shoulder. 

I was watching the bottle as it landed on Jake. I looked up and saw Donovan looking at Jake in horror. "No way! I am not kissisng another dude!" Donovan basically yelled.

Jake just laughed, "Chill out man, I don't want to kiss you either."

A look of relief fell over Donovans face as he chugged the shot. Jake did as well and then his hand went to the bottle. he spun it and I watched as is passed him at least twice before slowing down. I almost laughed as it kept spinning even when it looked as if it should have stopped about five people ago, but my amusement died as the bottle stopped, pointing straight at me. 

I felt Jake tense under me. My first thought was that he didnt want to kiss me. of course he didnt. I was just his best friend. The nerd of the school, who, no matter how hard she tried, would always be the Nerd. I lifted my head off his shoulder, ready to tell him that it was okay, that he didnt need to, but before I could even say a word I was cut off by his lips. They were soft, but hard at the same time. They stayed still for a couple of seconds before they moved against mine. I almost moaned at the feel. I slowly wound my fingers in his hair. I couldnt believe it, I was kissing Jake. In the middle of Amelias party. Crap....

I pulled back suddenly, my cheeks bright red. I didnt want to look at thier faces, they would probably all hold hatred and suprise, so I got up and ran, which is hard in heels. I ran out the front door, faint shouts of my name followed me.  I stopped about a block away to take off my shoes.

"Mel!" I turned around to see Jake runing down the street. "Mel, wait!"

I didnt wait until he caught up to keep walking, my shoes now in my hand, and my eyes looking at the sidewalk under my feet.

"Mel, why did you run?"

"Because," I mumbled.

"Mel look at me."

I couldn't. I couldn't look at him.I was to embarresed. He took a step infront of me then, making me stop. I felt his hand go under my chin and bring my face up so that I had no choice but to look up at him. 

"Mel, what's wrong?" he asked softly.

I sighed. "Honestly?"


"I liked it. I liked the kiss and I want to do it again, but you're my bestfriend and I don't want to mess it up and im scared all the girls at school are literally going to murder me now and they'll be all bitchy to you and, and, ah!" I said in one breath.

"Mel, hun, you know I don't care what other people think."

"No, I know you don't, but that doesnt mean you aren't going to get bitched at about it."

"And again, I dont care," He pulled my into a hug. I hugged him back, burying my face into his chest. "Mel."


"You liked the kiss huh?"

I blushed, glad my face was still in his shirt. "Uh, yeah."

"So did I," he whispered into my ear.

I blinked and pulled away just enough to see his face. "You did?"

He nodded, inching his face closer. my heart beat increased rapidly and my nreathing all but stopped.


"Do you mind if I kiss you again Mel?"


And with that his lips crashed into mine. He was my first kiss, and hopefully my last.


I said it was a short story. lol

And i'm not good at make out scenes, so no judging...

Voteeee! or comment....! Please, I havent gotten any yet! *pouts*

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