Diary Entry

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26 January 1788

William Afton

Britain city life is hard, I had figured out that the first day. I moved to the city for a new life, but I couldn't get a job as I never had an education. I had to hide from the Bobbies as being homeless was illegal. I made friends on the streets, fellow homeless countryside people, and a few people whose business went under. I watched as those who weren't. The bobbies said it was to discourage homelessness. I was talking with Henry Emily, he had helped me when I first came to the city, suddenly the bobbies were behind us. We scrambled to our feet, trying to get away; I thought we would as we jumped over junk left in the alleyway. We had been so close when the adrenaline started to disappear. There was a loud crash; I heard Henry groan; turning around, I saw him on the floor. I went to help him, as soon as I reached him the bobbies were on us in seconds. They had put us in handcuffs, and we were on our way to the jail, our forever home or temporary one as they might kill us.

We got put in the same cell with five other prisoners. One looked petrified; another one just scoffed and looked away. The other three were talking among themselves, seeming as though they have been together for a while. Henry and I started talking, wondering what they were gonna do with us. Getting accommodated with the prison life was hard. The food was better than the street's leftovers; but all the bread Henry and I ate on the streets were stale, so in a way, this was an upgrade, with all the extra food given to us like the meet.

I soon found out that the names of the five people in my cell. The one who cried was John; he is an emotional wreck. The one that scoffed at us was Tyler; he has the personality of a brick. Finally, the three men who knew each other were Carl, Robert, and Thomas. Carl was friendly; he kinda just goes with the flow. Robert and Thomas both had an ego and made a fuss about everything. Things were decent; the jail was getting full. After a bit, the Hulk got to full. I heard other prisoners talking about how the high-ups had an important meeting. Not long after. We walked for what felt like hours; there were no breaks. We got to a ship and on the side was painted in gold color paint. They never took off the chains that eventually made rough open scabs on my ankles and wrist, never giving them time to heal. Food was a scar, at most, we were given bread and meat if we were lucky.

On the fourth day, Eating the food, making the rations smaller and smaller. The people around me are getting sick, some dying. Henry and I were one of the lucky few who weren't getting dangerously ill. I have no idea how long we were on there; it felt like years. Food was only given out every second day, the rats everywhere you looked—the scabs on my wrist and ankles filled with yellow puss. Henry looks slept-deprived, as I'm sure I did too. I thought I would die, and I was ok with that wherever we are going most likely isn't good, and I don't want to be alive to see it. In a matter of seconds, everyone was getting boarded of 'Scarborough.' The chains linked us all together, rubbing and scratching at the open wounds. The adrenaline of getting out of this wretched boat that stunk of feces and rotten flesh disputed as I got closer to the entrance. Those who fell were trampled on and pushed by their arms and legs. Henry and I were linked together, so we kept each other from falling and getting trampled to death.

We were hoarded out by the bobbies, at last. I was expecting to be shown to another harbor, to be placed into the I looked over at Henry, his face glistening in the sun, hitting his blue eyes perfectly. His face was dusted with beautiful light brown freckles that complemented his pale face. I looked around us, red dirt everywhere, the trees flowing effortlessly in the light wind. The sky clear, but the bigger question was where we are?

The industrial factories had taken over many jobs leaving people jobless, they would come to the city seeking a new job but most likely fail and become homeless (Which was a crime)

Bobbie was what police were called in the 1800s

People who were caught being homeless were publicly executed to discourage homelessness, but soon it became a sort of sadistic play for the people.

The food perorations were small to accommodate all the prisoners, often becoming stale, mold was also a common assurance. Lots of the women would sell their body's for more food, if you didn't eat your food you were wiped or killed to discouraged resistance

The Hulks were massive boats

The chains the convicts wore were extremely heavy, and not taken care of leading to rust, that would most likely infect the wounds they would make

Scarborough was a real ship, that was used for convicts

Rats did infect the boats making the boat more unlivable

An alliance with the English and Americans was made, the English often sending prisoners to their jails, but the Americans cut off the alliance

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