Part 1

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Wearing a big oversized white Rolling Stones t-shirt, only panties (black), hair in a curly messy bun with the two front & back curls out, and black reading glasses. I was comfortably reading a wattpad story in our bedroom. Cory was in his recording room filming a new video. Reading these stories for an. hour. straight... had me feelin some type of way. All the dirty stories and hot smut scenarios I read earlier, had me in "the mood", plus, they helped me learn some new 'things' and I wanted to try them on Cory tonight. I'm telling you, It was so tempting trying not to walk in that recording room because of how horny I was, and distract him with my godly-ness because I know he doesn't like it when he's being interrupted in the middle of work. So I just kept my composure and thought, "nah yeah imma just wait until he come in here and then, boom.". As soon as my thought was over he coincidentally starts wrapping up his video "..and until next time my brothas and sistas". I heard a loud 'THUD'. My face started to frown up in both confusion and concern at what the hell that noise just was, but I ain't get up cause I know that that was Cory just being Cory. "I den' tripped over the balloon." I heard him say muffledly as his office was only on the other side of the wall, plus, the vents were open as well. Cory then walks out of his office and into the room. "Hey babygirl" he says opening the door with a smile on his face "whatchu doin?", My heart INstantly sank. What happened to "nah yeah imma just wait until he come in here and then, boom."???. Damn I'm such a simp for this man, but I love it. "Heyy" I said softly with a light smile as he kissed my forehead and laid on the bed. "Nothing, just.... reading..", -"Reading??, Whaat??, Since when??" he giggles sarcastically. "Cory stfu your annoying" I said with a serious face, squinting my eyes and with a half grin, but he knew I was just playin. "Nah I'm just saying cause-" he says humorously and sarcastically shrugs his shoulders and starts laughing again. Off topic but I love his lisp, it makes him sound adorable, anywho. I sarcastically roll my eyes into the air, still half grinning. He continued, "Nah but forreal tho, whatchu reading?" he pulls the tip of my phone back and I yank it back up QUICKLY. "Uhn unnnnn!!!", I dragged. "Uh oh.. ok.. so that's how we doin it now?" I look up at him and smile. Y'all... It's been a good 6 seconds now. "Baby why you starin' at me like that?" he asked, lightly smirking but.. confused. " reason" I said shrugging my shoulders, smiling and playfully looking away. "You sure? Because.. you lookin kinda..." he starts laughing. I don't know why, but I started laughing too. "What... eager?" I broke the laughs raising a one second brow. "Yeeaa..." he said while staring at me as if he was trying to figure me out or something, but in a more seductive way though... that's how I'm taking it. "Exactly like that" he said in the same low tone but this time, he kinda had an eager look on his face as well. We sat in silence for a few just staring at each other. Y'all, omg, he has this face where it's like... he looks serious but hungry at the same time and I don't mean hungry for food, and yooo.. that face.. gets me so hot istGGG, and he's doing it right. now. I started to feel my love switch pulsating, my walls heat up, and that sent chills all over my body. Never breaking his stare he says, "..Now imma ask you this one more time..", "What was you reading?" Damn his voice... . At this moment I started thinking all of the stories that I've been reading all day. How wet they made me. I wanted to be them. I wanted to feel every, inch, of his love all over me tonight. I blinked twice, my second blink being a glitch. I feel like he knows he makes me nervous, and I love that. "I-" was literally the only thing I could get out. His beautiful brown eyes were just staring deeeep in me. I looked down at his lips and he licked them unintentionally. "My body... my body man, just take me already, please." I begged in my head. "But suck it up. Ain't this what you wanted?? You got him right where you want him. Now, do yo shit." I also added. "I could show you better than I could tell you" I said to him, seductively. "Oh, it's like that girl???", -"mhm" I said slowly crawling up to him, "". By the last word, I had my right leg over him. This position was one of my many favorite chill spots with him. Now to give you a clear vision of what we looked like, I'll elaborate. He was laying on his back, with his left arm behind his head, his right leg bent up until I got on top of him. You know.. he was chillin. I sat right directly on the barrier between his stomach and his-, well-, my... "boy toy". He was now right under me and between my legs. As comfortable as I was, I still was in the mood to take my horse to the ol' town road tonight. I then looked him up and down slowly, admiring his buff body through his clothing. "Sheesh.." My mind said while rubbing on him. And then she started getting active a bit. Who's she?. I think you can figure that one out. And.. I guess he felt it on his stomach or something??, because he formed a little smile and that only made me hornier. So I smiled back. I then went down on him and started kissing the right side of his neck first, starting off with little kisses and then adding little swirls of my tongue. My left hand caressing his left arm. I knew he liked this because he closed his eyes and I felt all of his muscles relax. After working on that side for a good minute, I know that sensations build up as you keep the feeling moving in different areas so I started moving to the middle of his neck. Which I know he's turned tf on at this point cause once you reach the middle of that neck it's over, well atleast for me. He does it so well I start to lose it. By then, I heard him exhale lightly. I looked up at him, and he sealed in his lips exposing that one dimple. I grinned to myself and got back to work. I made sure I sucked on the left side of his neck very precisely because I knew that this side was one of his soft spots. Finishing up, he already knew what time it was. He leaned up and took his white & blue tie-dye shirt off. never breaking eye contact, I took off mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we started making out so passionately. Skin to Skin. Just the two of us. Feels so damn good. Still kissing, he laid back down. I then went from the middle of his neck, to kissing his upper abs, and giving a long lick from the end of his stomach to the top of his chest, staring deep into his eyes the whole time. He exhaled again, this time, a little heavier. Now I knew, this was my signal to show him how eager I really was.

(Idk if any of the media showed up. If it didn't, the video was "Try not laugh #8". If the media IS there.. then I sound stupid. Part 2 below <3.)

Wattpad made me do it..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora