first day part two.

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kurtis pov:
the holidays went by so fast.
the first day back at school.. so many hot chicks, so much weed.
walking into the school gates felt like chains put on my shoulders, there were probably going to be so many new girls asking for my snap. idk if i can handle it. a guy only has so many ab photos. not to toot my own horn but im the bottest guy in my school, tall, eboy hair thats really it. not to sound like a f** but id fuck myself.

as im walking down the hallway with my gang behind me i suddenly feel a leg stretch out in frount of me and before i new it i was laying on the ground head first. "aye! c**t why you think you can do that bro" i scream filled with anger not looking at the mans face yet. "you looked like you were up your own ass i though id ground you" he said as he walked away with a sly smirk on his face. for the rest of the day i couldnt get that dickheads face out of my head, not to be gay though.

i heard the lunch bell ring and ran outof the class room having to dodge some hot chicks on the way to my locker. and to my surprise that asshole from earlier was standing outside my locker just leaning against it. i was filled with rage and right before i was about to brawl this c*nt a teacher came up behind me and yelled "YOUNG MEN HPW DARE YOU. ADION AND KURTIS, DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL" a groaned loudly and just stared into the boys eyes with rage while he just stood there with a grin and wink before he left. i got a feeling in stomach that just left me stood there as still as a statue. it couldn't be... i'm not a (f slur).

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