Chapter 1: The Beginnings.

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"Dont go" 

"Saphire, Make the right choice" 


My eyes burst open.  Cold sweat drips down my forehead.  I can feel it.  A cold gush of wind blows at me from my open window.  Looks like I had another night terror.  Those words haunt me, because it sounds alot like my mother. She died about 4 years ago from suicide.  I've been having alot of dreams like this as I approach my sixteenth birthday.  The mandatory age for the choosing. 

I get up and and look at myself in the mirror.  No one pretty.  Just an average girl, but I am different from the others where I live--in Chrysalis.  The people here are quite abnormal. Long noses, small eyes or huge lips with a tiny head, but I was born different.  My features are quite normal.  There are none that are too big or too small--average.  Everyone is born--ugly as they call it, but I was born average.  Not ugly, but definitely not beautiful.  

I look around my room, because tomorrow could be the last day I see it.  I take it all in and try to picture it in my head.  A small wooden bed to the left, near the door.  A tiny dresser continating all of the clothing I own.  Then my mirror--on the back of my door.  The tiny cracks in the plain white walls to the big ones near the bottom, towards the wooden floor.  

I hear my father leaving my home--signaling that its about 8 o'clock in the morning.  Hes going to work.  In where we live, people live a moderate life.  We have freedom to do what we want, but there are some restrictions.  The worse part is when your of age (about 25), you need to work.  The people work in the grasslands surrounding the main part of our city.  They harvest plants and animals and prepare them to be transferred to the place everyone knows about--Fame, as people call it, but its real name is Exuberant: The Land of The Pretty.  

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