Chapter 2: Approaches.

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I quickly bursh my teeth and get ready. I put my clothes on slowly... taking in all the time I have before the choosing. 

I exit my home and walk past a house.  A small cottage like home.  It holds alot of memories.  Everytime I walk past it, I can hear the laughs, and I can picture that moment in time where we were happy. Where everyone was happy.  I miss it.

About 2 years ago, my best friend--Aaron lived there.  He had brown lush hair.  He was a couple inches taller than myself.  And just like me, his features were normal, or average.  He was actually quite attractive, and I have always wondered if something would have bloomed between us if he hadnt went, but he did. Aaron was the only person who knew everything about me, but I didnt know everything about him.

2 years ago, my best friend left me.  He left, just out of the blue to Fame.. I didnt even know he was considering it.. or maybe he was, but I was too selfish to notice.  It hurt alot after that. I had no one else.. I dont get along with all the other girls, and he was the only one who truely understood me. But I had to accept it. He wanted a better life--how could I blame him for that? After a while, the pain became numb, and i stopped missing him.  But I do reminisce about our times together.. The way he called my name.   "Saphire"... "Shapire".. the way we just connected. 

I step out of the memory of Aaron and continue my way down the streets, trying to avoid the Instagators as I walk since we arent allowed to be out of our homes until 10 sharp.  Instagators are sort of like officers, sent from Fame to keep everything in order here in Chrysalis.  I dont know why since we are quite calm, but theres obviously a reason to it.. Maybe if some trouble does arrises.  They dont take so kindly to commottion, so I stay away from their reach especially since they carry large weapons.

I easily avoid their eyes, by hiding behind things, like trees. I make my way out of the home designated area of our land, and enter the city sqaure. There are hardly any instagators here since they mainly focus on guarding our homes... so I can quit hiding.  I see an old women---she goes by Grey, since she cant remember her own name, and I greet her.  I hand her a couple coins I was able to find, and she gives me a bright red apple.  

"Thank you," I reply

"Get on home dear, it isnt good to be out this early," Grey says

"Dont worry about me, Ma'am, I can handle myself" 

I turn around to leave, but Grey grabs my arm and says something with an unusal tone. I wasnt able to quite make it out, but It from what I did hear she said "Young one"... "Beware".. "You do not..." I try to ask her what she said, but she turns around and scurries away in her little hut.  

I walk away.. but I cant shake the feeling that she actually meant to say something important. But I try to ignore it and shove it deep down within myself.  

I keep walking through the city square. I remember all of the meetings and gatherings that have happened here. Some for urgent messages and some for harsh punishments that the entire population of Chrysalis needs to watch.  They always scared me, so my mother used to cover my eyes with her hands. I miss that. 

I come upon the fields of green that my father works in without choice. I  locate his face. Hes covered in dirt, but he still throws me a smile once he notices me watching. I return a smile, but he quickly turns away to continue his work and not be seen interacting with other people by instagators. The only way I know i can watch him without being seen, is by hiding behind a little shed, close to the area my father is  assigned to. 

I feel terrible that my father is forced to work day upon day like this. If i were leader, i would never make them do this.. It cruel. He works so much to take care of me, and make the most money he can to make sure im okay.  I appreciate it so much and I wish I was able to voice that to him more often.

Sometimes I wonder about the sarcrifices my parents had to make because of me.  I wonder about what they had to endure if they made these sarcifices.  I pray that they didnt make big ones, because I cant be that special. 

My train of thought vanishes, as I hear the town bell, alerting people that its okay to leave their homes now.  I see a crowd of people come into the town sqaure. From where Im hiding I can see the square perfectly. 

I dont like to assoicate myself with alot of people. I prefer to keep to myself so I come out of my hiding place and sprint my way to the nearby lake.  

I make my way to the lake. Its one of the few places where I feel peace. Everyone knows about the lake, but hardly ever does anyone come here, so I'm usually alone in my thoughts-- the way i like it.  I have a rock near the water, where I lay on to hear the waves. I feel like the usual noise of the lake isnt noise in this spot, but rather a beautiful melody---something you cant stop listening to.. It calms me. 

I usually come here to gather my thoughts about things or to let my emotions out, since i hate to do it in front of people. It makes me feel vulnerable and weak---something I hate feeling.

It is probably about 11 or so, by now and soon the kids my age will be entering class for school. I decided to skip today to relax before the choosing at 2pm.  

I listen to the sounds of  the wilderness and the waves. Something about this makes me feel so 'at home' and so comfortable.  I definitely needed to come here to ease my nerves about the choosing. Its going to be a big day today..

I have never been one to fit into the crowd here, but its my home.. My father is here. How could I leave him? But, he is capable, and can manage without me. Going to Fame, will give me a better life. Someone where I can just be powerful. It seems like a facinating place from what I have seen on our small, busted tv in our kitchen.

The cars, the fashion, the life.  

It could be everything. 

With the water moving slowly and the sound of the waves, I see myself yawing.. and before I notice, I fall asleep.


I wake up to the horns.  They always play these horns when the big officials fly in from Fame.  It usually means that the ceremony is going to begin..

Meaning, that in a short time, I have to make the choice of whether I leave or stay.. And this choice could determine your....

....Whole Life. 

It is time for The Choosing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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