Chapter 7

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(Note 9 Sept 2023: If you get a notification about this chapter being posted it's because I was dumb and replaced the wrong chapter with a new chapter. I replaced Chap 7 with Chap 8 instead of replacing the old Chap 8 with the new one and then published it without realizing. My bad! This chapter is the same as the last time you read it if you've already read it)

"What's she doing here?" Tony asked, gesturing at me.

Natasha lead the way onto what looked like a balcony except it was inside. To the left was a bar with backlit shelves and to the right was a little sitting area with a handful of couches surrounding a coffee table.

"She's hungry," Natasha said. "Unless you want her to starve?"

"Well, where was she when we had actual dinner?" Tony asked.

"Leave her alone," Steve said. "It's been a rough few days for her."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Fine. Get some food, but then it's bedtime." He looked me up and down. "Love the shirt."

"At least someone does," I replied. "And I don't have a bedtime. I'm 16."

Natasha snorted. "Wait here. And don't touch anything in the bar."

"Why don't you come sit next to me, actually," Steve said. He sat down on one of the couches and placed his glass on the coffee table.

Despite the way my stomach was twisted into uncomfortable knots, I sat down next to Steve. The Avengers were talking and joking amongst themselves. It was just Steve, Tony, and Clint, but after a few minutes Natasha came back with a plate of little appetizers and a soda. She sat down on the couch Clint was leaning against.

I tried food Natasha got me, but I didn't recognize most of it. It wasn't the buffalo wings or chips and salsa kind of appetizers I was used to. These were fancy Tony Stark appetizers. They tasted alright, more or less. I was so hungry it didn't matter if I liked them or not, really. The more I ate, the less tired I felt. When my plate was empty, I knew I could have eaten more, but I was too anxious to ask. Instead, I made a plan to sneak down to the kitchen later when everyone was asleep and I'd find more food to eat.

Agent Hill and Rhodes came over to sit with everyone else after a while. They came from downstairs somewhere. The last person to join the group was Thor. He stomped over with heavy footsteps and plopped Mjolnir on the coffee table before collapsing into an armchair.

"It's a trick, right?" Clint asked, staring at Mjolnir. "He soever wields the hammer shall haveth the power," he said dramatically. "Come on, man. It's a trick."

"By all means, Barton—," Thor said, gesturing toward Mjolnir.

Clint stared at him for a second before standing up.

I grabbed my empty plate and drink off the coffee table just in case. I knew none of them could lift the hammer, except for Steve, of course, but that didn't necessarily mean the table couldn't move.

Clint wrapped his hands around Mjonlir's hand and pulled... and nothing happened. Because of course nothing was going to happen.

"Put your back into it, Barton," Tony said.

"Not really feeling like blowing out my back tonight," Clint said. "Why don't you give it a shot, huh? Thing's heavier than it looks." Clint sat back down on the ground by Natasha.

With a deep sigh, Tony stood up and went to pick up the hammer.

He couldn't do it.

"Give me a sec," He said after a moment. He walked off and a few minutes later when he came back, he had one of his pulsator cuffs on his hand.

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