If Only

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If only flowers bloomed all year

If only tree's never lost their leaves

If only this world was at peace

If only, if only

If only we didnt fear

If only the end wasn't so near

we would wish apon a star

wishing, wishing, wishing

that if only

but alas the If only is just that

and absurd wish apon a star

that was destined to not go far

the world is, how it is

best not mess with the world

tree's wilt for a reason

to mark Persephone's leaving

of this world

flowers do not bloom

while Demeter is in gloom

but down in Hades

lights shine bright in joy

for Persephone's arrival

If only, If only

but alas it is not to be

Poems, By Lunar EvansWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu