April 30th, 2021

125 7 3

Today's quotes are

*during revenge of the sith*
Anakin: I feel cranky and pubescent today and I don't know why. Ugh. I'm going to take it out on people I actually like!

Ahsoka: Hold on Anakin I can help!
Anakin: I don't need your help
Ahsoka: Yes. You do.

Mace: Two goals; stop the drill, find Ahsoka.
Anakin: Aren't you forgetting the third?
Mace: What's that?
Obi wan: Don't die out there. We tend to remind each other not to die.
Mace: I thought that was implicit.
Obi wan: He likes to hear it.
Anakin: Who doesn't like to hear it?

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