New Kid? [3]

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(Like I said before, this doesn't directly continue from the first chapter. This takes place about 2 months after those chapters)

{1 means fully Bryan's POV, 2 means fully Inpu's POV, 3 means it switches between the two, 4 means fully someone else's POV, 5 means switches between POVs of characters other than Inpu and Bryan, 6 means no specific POV, and 7 means it switches from Inpu/Bryan's POV to someone else's, and [*] represents a POV change}

"Finally done taking care of the stupid sentimonster." Cokatrice said. Cokatrice was one member of the superhero team Inpu was one, and was owner of the dragon miraculous. Inpu didn't know who he was outside of being a superhero, and it was the same with all the other heroes.

Inpu was known as Mau among his team, since he couldn't use his actual name. Next to Mau was Kitsune, the fox hero, and Titanoboa, the snake hero. Besides Kitsune was Unicorn, the horse hero. The last member of the team was Bumble, the bee hero. Sometimes they wondered if they were even real. In total their was eight members of the team. They were almost all boys, with Kitsune being the only girl. 

In Bumble's arms was a person named Glitchy who had been transformed into a hero. The transformation was only temporary however, and it had already worn off. They weren't the only one the transformation had happened to. It had been happening since the first ever sentimonster attacked, and no one knew how since the people had a hard time remembering what happened when transformed. The only clues they had was the butterflies that flew away from the people once the detransformed and the voice that formerly transformed people had reported hearing.

That wasn't much to go off of, but whoever, or whatever, was doing the transforming was obviously on the heroes side. The team wasn't entirely sure if they could trust whoever or whatever was doing the transforming, but they had bigger things to worry about. Like Fowl, the person behind the creation of the sentimonster and owner of the peacock miraculous. 


Inpu sat in class beside his classmate and friend, Xylo, in the second row of seats. Infront of them were their classmates Rose and Dranne. The entire class was listening to Mr. Set, the only teacher in the school that didn't seem to actually care about school. He pretty much gave every student an A or B, which all the students liked and the other staff had no idea about.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, surprising everyone in the class. Mr. Set called for whoever knocked to come in, causing the door to crack open and a white-haired boy to peek his head through the door. The boy looked to be Inpu's age, but Inpu hadn't seen him around school before.

"Um, hi. I'm here to bring Rose's lunch, cause he forgot it at home." The boy said, obviously pretty shy. Inpu looked to Rose, who seemed the most shocked about the boy being there. Inpu was curious how they knew eachother.

"Bryan, you're not supposed to be here. You're supposed to be at home." Rose said, his eyes narrowing. The boy, Bryan, gave a small smile as he walked up and put Rose's lunch box infront of him.

"I finished my class work earlier, so they let me bring you this." Bryan responsed, looking around the class. Inpu was a bit confused. If Bryan was doing his class work at his home, how did he know Rose forgot his lunch? We're the two related?

"Bryan, it's wonderful to see you again!" Inpu heard someone say. He turned towards the owner of the voice, seeing Jakey. Jakey was a rich prick who was the school bully and wasn't very liked by anyone. How did he know Bryan, and why was he being so nice?

"O-oh, Jakey. It's uhh... nice to see you too." Bryan said, obviously unsure if nice was the right word. The white haired boy seemed very uncomfortable, and Rose was glaring at Jakey. Inpu's was even more curious then before.

"Well, I have to go. See you at home Rose!" Bryan said, quickly leaving the classroom with a wave. Rose waved back, some other students waving more hesitantly. Jakey gave a smile to the white-haired boy as he left, to which Bryan did not return. Inpu wasn't sure what to think of the new kid he had seen, but he was curious. And curiosity killed the cat.


"I had completely forgotten that Jakey was in Rose's class!" Bryan complained to Nooro as he fell onto his bed. Nooro flew out of his jacket, confused on why Bryan was acting the way he was. 

"Bryan, what's so bad about Jakey?" Nooro asked. Bryan sat up cross-legged, looking downwards at his lap. He sighed, wiping tears away from his eyes.

"Let's just say that we... have a complicated past. I'm honestly surprised that he was happy to see me, since we hadn't left off on a good note." Bryan explained, looking away from his kwami. He seemed sad, which was very different from his usual happy attitude. 

As long as Nooro had known her owner, she had seen him try to be as happy as he could be. Even stuck in his house all day, and the times he was forced to be in the hospital, he managed to put on a genuine smile. He was a great kwami holder, and an amazing guardian of the miraculouses. Nooro was glad to know him and to be his kwami.

"Anyways, let's just forget about it! What do you think we should do now, since I'm all finished with school work and stuff?" Bryan said after shaking his head and putting on a smile. A real smile, not a fake one. Nooro smiled back happily.

"Ooo, maybe we could make some cookies! Shino said that I could have the kitchen to myself for a bit if I wanted to make something today!" Bryan said, his butterfly kwami happily agreeing. The two quickly left for the kitchen where the chef, Shino, was cleaning.

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