Fowl Bird [7]

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(GlitchyEx3 and Blue-wolves23 are writing another Miraculous/Origins book, so go check it out)

[Fun fact: a peacock can only be male. The female version is a peahen, and both are called peafowl as a species]

{I'm bending the rules of some of the miraculous a bit, and I'm bad at writing action, so please bear with me everyone!}

<P.S. I change the transformation and detransformation words for some of the miraculous>m

Rose sat on the roof of a building, watching the people below him unseen. He then saw a couple people having a fight with one person. He watched carefully as that one person was left by themselves, alone and crying.

He smirked, quickly standing up and making sure he was out of view. Opening his jacket slightly, he watched as his kwami, Duusu, flew out from his jacket.

"Duusu, spread my feathers!" Rose said, the kwami instantly being pulled into the feather-shaped broach that was clipped onto Rose's jacket, transforming it into the undisguised peacock miraculous.

Rose himself was transformed into the supervillian Fowl, his skin turning into a deep purple while he gained a feathery blue custom, his dyed magenta hair becoming a scarlet color. Pulling a feather from the fan he was given by the miraculous, he watched the citizen continue to cry.

"Fly my little amok, and make his negativity run rampent!" Fowl said, blowing the blue feather toward the citizen. It landed on the broken candy necklace in their hands, and a magic mask fell over both their faces.

"Dear citizen, I see your troubles and I bring you Candy Heart. This sentimonster will destroy all those who bother you, whether you want it or not! In exchange, I will get the miraculouses of the superheroes of Paris." Fowl told them.

"No!" The citizen shouted out, fear replacing their sadness. Unfortunately it was to late, and the person watched as their necklace wrapped around a giant forming monster that they could no longer control.

Following the monster, his feat pressing against the hard rooftops with each jump, Fowl waited for the superheroes. He would get their miraculouses, he knew he would! He had to.


"And the answer for number 7 is 562!" Bryan said, smiling brightly as he typed the answer onto his computer. Nooro sat on his desk near the keyboard, eating a couple of grapes. Bryan's round purple brooch, that was really a miraculous in disguise, sat pinned up and to the right on his shirt. 

"Now all I have to do is figure out number 18 and I'll be done for the day." Bryan said aloud, grabbing his own grape and popping it into his mouth. He spun around in his chair, but was suddenly flung to the floor when his chair fell over to a loud shake of the ground.

"Bryan!" Nooro said, dropping her half finished grape and flying over to him. Bryan groaned as he stood up, but he quickly ran over to his large windows on the other side of his room. He looked out the windows to see a giant candy-like monster destroying a roof, a trail of destruction behind it.

"That's gonna cost the city a fortune..." Bryan groaned, before Nooro flew into his pocket and he ran out of his room and up the stairs he was careful not to have any spot him as he fled into the old tower in the mansion, one that had been abandoned long ago.

He was carefully not to let any moths out as he walked in, one moth landing on his hand happily. He pressed a button near the door, the window opening at the opposite side of the room.

"Nooro, wings rise!" Bryan said, transforming himself into the secret hero Monarch. Bryan watched the heroes and villians, doing his best to help from the shadows. Maybe one day he would come into the light.


Another week, another villain attack. Inpu, or Mau since that was the name of his secret identity, had noticed that the villain attacks from Fowl were getting more slightly more frequent, but the sentimonsters weren't getting all that much stronger. The temporary superheroes that were given by their secret ally, Monach, weren't appearing as much, since they didn't need help.

"Fowl seems to be getting more desperate. We must be doing something right then!" Unicorn, the horse miraculous hero, said. He always had a way to look on the bright side, no matter what happened. It could be helpful at times, but it could also get a little annoying.

"We shouldn't get too confident. Fowl could just be trying to keep us busy while he plans something." Bumble, the bee miraculous hero, replied. Unlike Unicorn, Bumble was usually pretty pessimistic. He made sure the team was ready for everything, though sometimes overly so.

"Cockatrice and I should leave soon, are timers are going down. The rest of you should be heading off soon too." Kitsune, the fox miraculous hero, told the group. Cockatrice, the dragon miraculous hero, nodded. Titanoboa, the snake miraculous hero, sighed, grabbing the remaining pieces of the candy necklace that had held the feather.

And in a few seconds, the team was separated and Mau was back in his own home. "Plagg, claws in." Inpu said, grabbing a piece of cheese from the mini-fridge in his room and tossing it to the destruction kwami. Without missing a beat, Inpu sat on his desk and began to finish his homework.

"Why don't you rest? That homework's not due til Thursday, and we just finished saving Paris! I'm tired!" Plagg complained. Inpu snickered, finishing another problem before setting his pencil down and turning to Plagg.

"If you're tired then you should go to sleep. I'm perfectly fine staying up longer, and if I get the work done sooner then I have more time to do things later on." Inpu said, holding out his hand so the cat-like kwami could sit in it. Plagg yawned, finishing his cheese before sleeping. Inpu placed him in a small basket on his desk that was full of cloth scraps, which was were the small being usually slept.

"Goodnight Plagg." He said smiling, turning of his room light and illuminating his homework with a simple lamp desk. Taking a breath, he began to work again

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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