Chapter Twenty

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Britney 's P. O. V

"Greeting Alpha Britney. It's
a pleasure to see you again," Alpha Stephen greeted me.

"Alpha Stephen, likewise!" he filled me into a bear hug.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure?'

"I need to know if you'll stand with the Mystics."

"Stand with them?" he looked perplexed.

"Something bad is coming. We need to gather at least four other Alphas. I need a meeting."

"Only because I love you brit."

"Ha ha I don't need your love. By the way I found my mate. He is kind of Alpha Chace and I threw him against a wall before running here." I stated in one breath.

"Only you would do that. Go to our meeting room. If they know its you then I'm sure they'll be here in an hour."

I went to the meeting room and sat af the head of the table. It was about time I mind linked the others.

"Guys?" I called out to them.

"Well look who decided to link us!" Her insolence was getting to me.

"Regina! Back up! I will only speak to the Beta in charge who right now is Marissa. I order you to remain silent for the rest of this link."

"Yes Alpha!"

" Now that order is restored. What do you need?" Marissa asked curiously through the link.

"Update on Courtney!" I commanded.

"She can walk. Nothing serious. Her mate is taking care of her." Cristal answered me.

"Question," Marissa began ," what's going to happen to us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well our mates are in different packs ..." she trailed off.

"Listen carefully, a war is coming. Regina do not mention this to your parents. Send them home. Cristal, take care of Courtney. Do not disclose this to her. Marissa, tell Chace that a war is coming. Be secretive. You are all being watched. I've been working on a serum that masks your scent. tsk in my room where the rays of hope dies! You'll know where. I order you all to keep this here. No one will mention anything to my brother. The traiterous asshole!" And with that I cut the link.

Marissa's P.O.V

"So you heard the boss! Lets start preparing the troops!"

"You know she's got a plan. The least she could do is inform us," Cristal stated.

"She's trying to protect us. I see it now." Regina finally came to the realization.

And with that we broke apart to carry out our orders. I had to speak to Alpha Chace. This wasn't going to be pretty. I knocked on the door leading to his office. He didn't look up from his desk.

"Get out."

"Britney has sent orders. I'm doing my duty here."

His neck snapped " What?"

"Be secretive. War is coming. They are watching us. She's created some sort of serum to mask our schoolents. She told me where to find it."

"Did she say when she was coming back?"

"No but I assume it'll be soon. She always has a plan. Oh yeah ... We tell Adam nothing. Apparently he's a traitor." I left right after.

Where the rays of hope die? What the eff did that mean? I went to her room in he house. Where the rays of hope die? Huh? I mind linked Chris. Hellas smart, he should know.

"Chris boo-boo."

"Yes love and please don't call me boo-boo."

"Boo-boo. Britney said ahead hid something in her room where the rays of hope die. What does that mean?"

"Open your mind to me. Let me look around. Um... Okay. Rays of hope could mean light. Try looking where the sunlight doesn't touch."

"Okay boo-boo."

"I will bite you for that."

"Maybe I want to be bitten." I cut the link after not wanting to hear his remark. Her room was pretty bright during the day. She would never hide anything under her bed or closet. Too cliche for her. But the window seat... She never sat there and the angle at with the sun hits it wouldn't touch the base. So all I had to do was move the cushions. Boom! There was a chest. No lock. Tsk tsk. How careless of her. I mind linked the others.

"Let's all meet at the pack house. Chace's office. Then we'll go from there."

Britney's P.O.V

I stood amongst five Alphas, Stephen, Blake, Scott, Drew and Josh. We were all relatively young Alphas. I cleared my throat.

"Alphas, there's a threat to is."

"Is this a threat to us? Or you?" Scott spoke.

"It is a threat to me, you and The Mystics."

"There is nothing we can't deal with. Tell us." Blake said rather confidently.

"Hybrids. They've been manipulating vampires and werewolves. I fear a war is coming soon."

"That's preposterous!" Scott got up angrily.

"Sit down Scott."

"Why do you pick up for her, Stephen? Why should we endanger our packs for them?"

"They killed two of my Gamma and they're probably going to eliminate The Mystics. My brother is helping them," and for the first time I cried. "That's why I don't want my mate. They can kill him to get to me. I'm standing here asking you to stand with us."

I cried there for the betrayal and heartache. I never thought I would be in this situation.

"See Scott you made her cry. All she did was ask for us to stand with Alpha Chace's pack. Her mate."

They all began to chide Scott.

"Doesn't matter anymore. I will be outside awaiting an answer!" I straightened up, wiped my tears and sauntered out.

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Comment please! And vote! Tell your friends to read my book too.


Marissa: Hello my lovely people. I'm covering for Britney.

Chris: Darling, we know.

Marissa: Okay boo-boo

Chris: Don't call me that.

Marissa: Why not? I don't love you anymore. *pouts and turns away*

Chris: No don't leave me. *bounces on her*

Random Cristal walks in.

"Omg! Get a room. Wait... *confused* Wasn't this supposed to be an interview?"

Marissa: Cristal. You just... GET OUT!!!

Bye all. Love you. -Britney

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