Chapter Eight

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Marissa's P.O.V

It was lunch time. Britney and Courtney didn't show up. They mind linked us to tell us not to worry. They'd meet us at the practice clearing in the evening. I didn't want to pry. It was probably important but nothing to worry about. I sat with the rest of the girls along with the 'Beta' Duncan and the 'Gammas' Kian, Sam and John. We didn't even have to get our lunches they got them for us. That was pretty nice I had to admit. I wasn't expecting that. 

"Mind if I sit here?" I looked from my lunch to see a pair of blue eyes looking at me.

"Hey if it isn't Chris?!? C'mon buddy join us. These are our charges from the Dalton pack." Duncan grinned. It was an honor to guard us. Apparently. I didn't see it. I was an ordinary she wolf. I preferred being treated as such.

"Ha ha I know who they are. Do you guys mind?" He asked.

"Um no. We don't mind." I said coldly.

"Well scoot around. I wanna sit next to you. Please?" He looked at me. I went over. I didn't really care. Well boy the looks I got from my friends. Wow. Not only did they stare at me. Before I knew it some lovely. (Note the sarcasm) Lovely cheerleaders made their way to our table.

"Wow you're already sluts." one of them snickered.

"Chris, why don't you stop by this evening? You won't regret it." Amy said while tracing her fingers up his arm. I looked at her with a death stare.

"Why don't you?" I said smiling at him.

"Yeah why don't you? See even this little thing agrees." She said still touching him. Why was she touching him? Grr.. "Calm the wolf Marissa calm it. I'm gonna handle this." Regina said coolly through the link.

"Well if you excuse me. Whore world is that direction. At the corner of desperate and cheap," she put on an award winning smile. A few scowls later and the air was clean.

"Was someone jealous?" Chris looked at me.

"Of what? I have no competition." I whispered in his air. I could see his muscles tense. I chuckled internally. The rest of the day was pretty boring. The classes killed me. I looked forward to having practice at that point in time. So said so done we all met up at the practice clearing after school. We donned sweatpants and vests. No matter the time of year we always managed to sweat. Warm blood you see. Britney stood next to Courtney and with them who I would suppose was the 'soon to be' alpha, Duncan and their 'head' gamma, Zack.

"Today we're gonna have fun. Everyone's abilities will be tested. I expect you to do your best. Cameron, Dylan and Nash have already been through this. Now it's our turn. So let's show them what we got right?" Britney said really excited. I didn't get it. She loved fighting too much to be real. Maybe it was an alpha thing.

We had to pair up. Courtney- Duncan, Yasmin- John, Regina-Zack, Cristal- Kian. Me? Well I didn't get Chris. I got Sam. Chris wasn't too keen a fighter. Oh great I would be the protector. Trevor and James would be breaking the fights apart if it got too serious. Britney jut stood there with the unnamed male. They just looked at each other. No words nothing. They just glanced each other from the corners of their eyes. I looked at Sam. They expected us to hold our own without phasing. Please have you seen the size of us? We're tiny dolls compared to them. The whistle went off and Sam lunged at me. I barely dodged kicking him in the chest. A sharp gasp was heard and then everyone stopped in their tracks.

I was ready to flip Duncan when my wolf went more than crazy. He was my mate! This brown eyed. Brown haired muscular boy was mine! I wanted him. I needed him. I could tell he felt the same. We straightened up and just looked at each other. At that point in time there was no one else there.

He rushed towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled. What else could I do? Ohhhhh wait..... I freed myself from his grip and taking his face in my hands I planted one on him. I wrapped my fingers around his neck. I could feel him pulling me closer. "You. Are. Mine." He breathed between kisses. I was more than elated.

Marissa's P.O.V

Another one found her mate. That was amazing. Courtney was going to be the Lady Beta of the Mystics. I was happy for her. "Ok Duncan don't eat her." the guy said. "Oh that's for later!" he said winking. Courtney blushed so much.

"You know I could eat you up too." Chris ran his hand up my back. I could feel the blood rising to my cheeks. "Oh really? And this is worth my time how?" I questioned him. He seemed a little hurt. But whatever.

Chris' POV

This girl just didn't crack. Believe me I tried. I was used to girls melting for me. And here she was strong and independent. She just kept pushing me away. I had a strong guess it had something to do with her bloodline. I didn't know what to think about her anymore. I wanted her. I wanted her now. It was time to play even better. Can't hate the player only the game.

Sorry for the late update. I really am. So like comment subscribe. Love you all.

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