Who Am I?

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Since I need space on my bio for consistent updates, I decided to put my small bot iof information about me in here and leave the question making to you.  The info may update over time, but who knows?

Name: Marie

Age: 15

Gender: Female (if you call me he or they, then you'll make me furious)

Sexuality: None of your business!

Religion: Was Atheist

Personality: Honest, short-tempered, and caring

Likes: True beauty, talent, creativity, and helping people

Dislikes: Closed up spaces, racism, and my friends getting hurt or criticized for no reason

Disability: I'm not gonna tell you, you're just gonna tell me to stop using it as a crutch. Since that happened to my best friend, I don't want it to happen to me.

That's all I have to give about me for now.  Until next time!!

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