Meet the Lost boys.

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Pan snickered at Killians reaction. "Hey, I was merely listening to your request." Pan said with a shrug.

"Yeah, yeah. Do you know where we a-..?" Killian cut himself off as he stumbled into an open area between all the trees. He looked around at the, what seemed to be a meeting place.

Pan walked out after him. "I knew you'd find it at some point." He said cheerfully.

"Find..what?" Killian asked in confusion as he looked around, seeing logs where people could sit at, a burnt out fire place in the middle of those and a mess of footprints in the dirt around them.

Pan hopped up onto one of the logs and extended his arms. "Come on out boys!" He exclaimed happily.

Slowly Killian saw boys peek their heads out from the trees. They were all around them.

They stepped out from the woods and greeted Pan, before turning their attention to Hook and looking him up and down.

Killian noticed one boy in particular that glared at him. Had he done something wrong? No, he couldn't have. He just got on the island! So what was his problem?

"Boys! Welcome our new friend, his name is.." Pan stopped and looked toward Hook. "What was your name again?"

"Killian, or Captain Hook." Killian said with a shrug.

"Okay, Welcome Captain Hook!" Pan exclaimed and smiled, waving his arms up as the boys began to walk towards Hook.

"Welcome." They all said in unison happily but he could tell they were still a bit cautious around him.

"Thanks." He said and lifted his hand to shake a few of the boy's hands that extended their arms to him.


After their whole greeting, the boys relaxed and started up the campfire. Killian sat on the log beside Pan, the boy who would glare at Killian beside him and the other boys spread around them.

"Felix, would you mind fetching me something to write on?" Pan asked the boy next to him. So, Felix is his name; Killian thought to himself. Felix stood and nodded as he went to do as Peter wished.

"Do you have something to write with?" Pan asked Hook. Killian nodded and handed him a quill pen from the many pockets in his coat. "Thanks." Pan said simply.

Felix came back with an old looking paper, something that looked as if it could be a blank script paper. Pan set it across his lap and began to sketch something that Killian couldn't make out.

After a few minutes Hook saw what it was, it was his ship. With..with the wreck in it. "What are you doing, Pan?" Killian finally asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"Its your ship of course." Peter said as he continued his sketch.

"Yes, but why are you drawing it?" Killian asked, not seeing why the boy couldn't answer the simple question.

"Here," Pan pointed to the wreck. "This is what we need to work on. I'll get the boys to help you out on it tomorrow." Pan said, as if it was the simplest thing.

"Wait, you're going to help me?" Hook asked, truly shocked by the younger boys actions.

In Neverland with this bloody demon.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora