Chapter One

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Denny's POV:

I can't believe I'm about to be a dad. Since finding out about my heart condition last year, me and Lucy have been taking it really easy. I'm not complaining about that night of course because ... fucking WOW! However I need to be careful because even one small fuck up and I'll end up in hospital. I hate hospitals. Well yeah I'm in hospital now but that's because I'm waiting for my baby girl to be born.

I'm with Lucy next to her bed, waiting for our little girl to show up, am I really ready to be a dad? Before I know it, there's loads of machines beeping and I have no clue what's happening. I'm rushed out the room.

I've no clue how long I was out the room for, but my heart was really starting to fuck up on me even more. Thankfully before my heart got worse, the door opened. The doctor took me to a side. "What's wrong? How's my daughter and wife?" I asked panicked. "I'm so sorry, we did everything we could to save your wife. But she died whilst giving birth." Fuck. No no no. "What about my daughter?" I felt myself well up, I can't lose my baby girl too. "She's okay. But it turns out she has cardiomyopathy". What the fuck! "But when I was diagnosed, I wasn't told that it was hereditary." I was getting angry, but didn't wanna set my heart off.  "Your daughter is a fighter, right now though what might help her is meeting her daddy." The Doctor said to me.

I followed the doctor into a different room from where Lucy was earlier. I sat down in a chair and was given a small bundle. My baby girl is so tiny! She opened her eyes and I knew my heart was going. Not because of my condition, but because of my little girl. She's so damn beautiful! I felt a strike of guilt though, knowing she's gonna suffer with her heart just as how I'm suffering. I then let her tiny hand barely curl around my finger. She's got me wrapped around her little finger already.

The door opened and my doctor, Doctor Burke came in. "Denny! I heard you've just become a father, congratulations. I'm also sorry about Lucy. It won't be easy to raise your baby alone, especially when you both have the same condition." He said. "I know, but I'm gonna do my damn best for my little girl." I smiled down at her. "We want to keep you both in for a couple of days, just to see how her heart goes." Doctor Burke told me. Damn I hate staying in hospitals but I nodded. "So what's your baby called Denny?" He asked. I smiled as I said "Caitlan. Caitlan Isobel Lucy Duquette. Isobel after my mom, and Lucy after hers." I held my Caitlan close to me, I could feel her tiny slow heartbeat against mine as I cuddled her.

This is chapter one guys I really hope y'all like it

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