Chapter 3

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Denny's POV:

Caitlan is now a month old. She's such a little beauty. She has my brown eyes, Lucy's nose and gorgeous little brown locks. Thankfully we've managed to stay out of hospital the past month.

I'm sat on the sofa, with Caitlan snuggled up in my arms. "Who's daddy's little girl? You're daddy's little girl!" I smiled and let my baby's little hand curl around my finger. Then she smiled! Her first smile. A smile that I knew as my own, from the small grin to the cute little dimples. I stroked her small face and she let out the most adorable giggle. Next thing I know, she's coughing, crying and her heart beat is slowing down. "JANETTE!" I yelled panicky. I can't lose my little girl. Damnit, now my heart is hurting so bad. I black out...

I woke up hooked up to machines in a hospital bed. "C-Caitlan" I managed to croak. "Don't worry Denny, she's in the prenatal ICU" I heard a familiar voice. Doctor Burke. "You both had minor heart failure." "Bring in here." I spluttered out. "You want Caitlan in here? I'm sure the nurses will let you see her when she's stable" Doctor Burke tried to explain. "No. Treat her here, with me." I gasped. I couldn't tell what was going on because my eyesight was fuzzy with tears.

A few minutes later, the nurses wheeled in an incubator. My baby girl had so many tubes connected to her and she was also hooked up to a machine that the nurses brought in. This wasn't fair. It broke my heart. Caitlan shouldn't be hooked up to machines and tubes, she should be at home - we should be at home. Stupid cardiomyopathy! I put my hand into the incubator and held my baby girl's tiny hand as she slept. "It's okay, darling. Daddy's here." I whispered and then had a coughing fit. "You got to take it easy Denny" Doctor Burke said gently pushing me back into my bed. "We want to keep you both for a few days to check your vitals and to keep an eye on how you both are. I've discussed with Peds and they are happy for Caitlan to stay in here with you and they'll be coming in to monitor her". "That's great, thank you Doctor Burke, just make sure you keep us both alive." I smiled slightly. "I'm the best man for it." He chuckled.

During the night, I was just laying there with my eyes closed - I can't sleep in hospitals. Then Caitlan started crying and machines started beeping. Nurses came hurrying in. "She's in distress" one of them said. "Wait!" I groaned getting up. I ignored their attempts of trying to stay in bed. "Go get Doctor Burke!" One of the nurses shouted. I put my hand in the incubator and held my baby girl's tiny one and sang my rendition of 'Dance With My Father' and Caitlan calmed down instantly. "Denny, how-" Doctor Burke said stunned as he got me back into bed. The nurses had tears in their eyes as they checked Caitlan's vitals. "Daddy's instinct Doctor B". I shrugged and smiled as my baby girl slept away. The nurses and Doctor Burke left the room. "Daddy's going nowhere sweetheart." I whispered. God I can't wait til we can get out of here!

That's chapter three guys! Hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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