chapter 2: during a thunderstorm

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It was the middle of the night, there was a loud bang, Asahi heard it and sprang out of bed, Noya is still asleep, Asahi gets up to find his soundproof headphones, hoping to cover up the thunder. Noya knows Asahi is scared of thunder, but he is a heavy sleeper, so when Asahi would wake up in the middle of the night, he never questioned it, he normally got up in the middle of the night to get a drink, but when there was a thunderstorm, he would normally go to the living room. Noya knew that if it has been more than half an hour, he would always go to check on him, "hey, Asahi, are you okay?" Noya sees Asahi on the couch and runs to him, "hey, Asahi, it's okay, I'm here, I won't leave, please, relax." Asahi listens to Noya's voice, starting to relax some.

As Noya was calming Asahi down, there was another crack of lightning and a crash of thunder, making Asahi extremely scared, he hid under a blanket, trembling. Noya thought to himself 'its okay, he will be okay, he is just scared if Thunder' but little did Noya know that while he was stuck in his thoughts, Asahi crawled into his lap and curled up, only his head on Noya's lap. "God, you are so beautiful when you lay on my lap to relax, I wish you weren't so scared, I know it is hard without your soundproof headphones, you left them out in the car love, if you would like, I can run out and get them quick." With that, Asahi gripped Noya's shirt tightly, not letting go, scared that if Noya goes outside, he will loose Noya. Asahi always likes to protect Noya, but he isn't the type to show it publicly scared people will judge him for it.

After a while, the thunder stopped, Asahi was too scared to sleep, so Noya was being a big spoon to Asahi, wanting to calm him down, knowing that Asahi was always easily scared, but even though Asahi got scared, that never once changed Noya's love for the giant teddy bear, even the team teases Noya that he is with a teddy bear, but Asahi knows they are just joking around, but when other people say it, Asahi feels hurt.

_______________________________________sorry for the short part, I promise I will try and make the next part much longer, and credits to the artists of any art I use

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