Get HER! ~19~

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She watched as Dreams shoulders stiffen as he realized that she had managed to help Techno to escape, he pointed at her. "Get HER!" Dream yelled and she turned on her heel and bolted out the room turning right to head out where her brother and Techno blew a hole in the wall.

As she reached her room she turned her head and saw Dream running after her. SHIT! She dove to the bottles on the floor with the rags hanging out of them. She reached for the lighter again and pulled it to lit the rag.

She lit the rag and looked Dream in the eyes of his mask. She smirked and threw the bottle at the ceiling causing it to break and light the ceiling on fire. Dream stopped in front of it and watched as the liquid fire dripped down onto the floor.

She smirked and grabbed another bottle and ran into the room while lighting it. She could hear Dream right behind her so when she jumped out of the hole in the wall she turned and threw it into the room. As she watched it explode she realized that she was falling from a two story building.

She fell quite fast and she closed her eyes bracing for impact on the grass below. "I GOT HER!" She heard the familiar voice of Techno as she crashed into a body. She fell back with the person and they tumbled a couple times.

The dust started to clear as she sat up and coughed. She looked down and realized that she was sitting on top of Techno. "Uhhhhh." She said her mouth wide open in shock. She scrambled to her feet and scratched the back of her head.

She looked back up to see Dream looking down at them, with a fire filled room behind him. She felt Techno get up and stand at her shoulder, she smirked and held up her middle finger at Dream. "Suck it green boy!" She yelled loud enough for him to hear, she stuck out her tongue and she heard Techno laugh next to her.

She turned around and started running into the forest, Techno and Ranboo right behind her. As they ran she jumped on a log and screamed into the air. "YEAHHHHH!!" She yelled as she jumped off of it, pure joy and relief in her voice. She didnt turn around as she heard Ranboo and Techno giggling at her.

She didnt care though because she finally felt free. Having back most of her memory felt amazing, as she ran, the cool wind of the nightly breeze flew through her hair. The wind making her cheeks and nose red, so many smells came to her as well. The fireflies could be seen in the tall grass around the trees.

As they ran they reached Pogtopia finally after about 30 minutes of running. They all tried to catch their breath as (Y/n) fell forward, barely managing to catch herself before she fell on her face. "(Y/n)!" Techno gasped as he ran to her side. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her up to stand next to him.

She took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. I'm alright she said as she walked forward only stumbling a little bit as her legs screamed to not move. Her chest felt tight as she took deep breaths. She walked to the door and opened it.

As she walked in she noticed that everything was cleaner and had more meaning to where everything was set up at the entrance. She walked to the spiral stairs and started to walk down them. As she walked down to the little tunnel that led to the ledge, she started to hear yelling.

As she got closer she realized that it was Tommys voice. She walked out the little tunnel and to the edge of the walk way. She leaned over slightly and saw Tommy and Wilbur facing each other. "We have to go looking for him!" Tommy yelled at Wilbur and (Y/n) folded her arms and rested them against the ledge of the concrete wall.

She heard footsteps stop beside her and she turned to see Technos ruby eyes looking at her. He smirked and looked down at the yelling child. She turned back to look at Tommy and Wilbur. Before Tommy could go back to yelling at Wilbur she decided to make her presence known.

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