Chapter 6

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The girls and I said our goodbyes and left. They decided to crash at my place since it was super late and they lived further than I did.

"Hey is your brother in there" Nora asked as I pulled into the driveway.
sabes que Nora, forget what I said earlier today, if you like him go for it"

"You sure?"


"But what if he doesn't feel the same towards me I mean I'm like 3 years older than he is"

"Mira Norita, if you don't try you'll never know". Maria replied.

"Whatever" she shoots back.

We walk into the house and Noah's in the kitchen raiding the cabinets.

"Hey whatsup" He says with a smile on his face.

"Nothing much" Nora replies.

We leave the two of them downstairs so Nora could talk to him.

The girls and I wake up the next morning to sounds of loud laughing downstairs.

"Somebody having a party without me?" Maria asks as she makes her way down the stairs.

"No Noah here was just telling me about some of his adventures in college" Nora replies.

Noah- "Yeah u know sis I know ur a boring person but I didn't know u had fun friends."

This caused everyone except me to start laughing.

"Very funny" I reply glaring at him". My phone starts ringing and I see blondie on the caller Id so I pick it up.

"Hey" I say


"Nothing much hbu"

"Well the guys and I are goin to be here for a few days and we are leaving the hotel to go to the rental house we got"


"Well we are throwing a party tonight and I'm wondering if you and the girls want to come"

"When is it?"

"It's starts @ 2."

"Ok we'll be there send me the address "

"See you soon" He replies.

"Bye" I say and hang up. Wait what? Normally my friends would be the ones forcing me to go to a party but I just agree to this one without thinking twice or asking them. I turn and make my way to the kitchen.

"Hey ladies and gentleman" I say to get everyones attention

Noah- "Wassup?"

"Well we are going to a CNCO party and all of you guys are coming with me"

The rest of the girls scream except Nora and Noah forces a smile.

"What's with the two of you?" I asked

Noah- "Well I kind of already had plans for today" Noah replies

Nora- "Yeah me too"

I figured the two of them were going to be hanging out but I wasn't going to push it if they didn't want to tell me.

"Well I'm not going to force you guys to come with me just remember we have to be at the bar by 6 and hopefully I don't get fired but for now how about we all get dressed."




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