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Laura POV
Why the hell does he need a PA? Like  all he does is boss us around and sit on his-

Maria- Hey!!! Laura come over here

Sabina- How'd it go?

Laura- Well I guess.

Yaneli- Detailssss. What did he say?

Laura: He wants me to be his "personal assistant". 

Sabina- Assistant? That's funny because he barely has an office.

Nora - Yeah. Plus we all know that he's just going to use this new position to control you and have you close to him all the time. 

Maria - Yeah It's no secret that he's always had the hots for you.

Laura - That's his problem. I made it pretty clear to him that from my end nothing was going to happen he's just my manager and that's it.

Sabina - If you say so. Let's get to work before he comes here and starts throwing a tantrum. 

                                                                     Hours Later( Shift over)

Maria - Y'all I am so glad that this shift is over.

Yaneli- Yeah me too, I really need to catch up on sleep

                                                                            Sabina's POV

We're in the car on the way to Laura's house and it's kind of quiet. I mean I guess  every one is tired but a little music doesn't hurt so I take the aux and put on La Ley by CNCO and everyone starts vibing to it. They all have smiles on their faces.

Laura - Hey ya'll before we get to the house, I wanted to ask you guys a question.

Nora - About your future husband?

Everyone laughs except Laura

Laura - Girll I am far from getting married and you know that; I've been thinking and I feel like it will be a great idea if all of you guys move into the house with me. I don't know what you guys think.

Sabina -Are you for real?

Laura - Yeah I'm serious. Besides you guys practically live there. It's not a mansion or anything but there's more than enough room to fit all of us and we can split the cost on the mortagage so it's less expensive.

Yaneli - I'm down, I just have to terminate the lease on my depa.

Rest of the girls - Yeah me too.

Laura - Okay It's a deal then.

Maria - Being honest I've been thinking about it but I thought you'd never ask.

                                                                   2 months later

                                                                     Laura's POV

These past few weeks have been the best I'm not gonna lie. My girls moved in with me couple of weeks ago. Online school. is going well(I have a year left) by boss still sucks but the new position is less hectic and it pays a bit more.  Also things with blondie have been building up fast. He's florida right now wrapping the last leg of their tour. We've been talking multiple times a day this past month and let's just say I can't wait to see him. On the topic of love things with Noah and Nora are also moving in a positive direction. They're exclusive and these love birds are a little to much(feel like I'm going to end up in a diabetic coma). 

                                                                 Chris POV

Today's the last day of the Press Start tour and la verdad es que I couldn't be happier. Although I'm going to miss seeing the fans and sharing the stage with my brothers but it's going to be nice to have a little break just to recharge. Also I've got a little surprise visit planned so I can see Laura. It's been almost 2 months since I've seen her. 

                                                                          A day later

                                                              Nora's POV(At work)

Laura - I am so glad that we have the day of tommorrow.

Nora - Yeah me too, I am in dire need of a break.

Nadia - We should have a girls day tommorrow.

Maria - Yesss please we've been plann-

Our shift is finally over and we're walking to the car when my phone rings. I check the caller id and it's Chris. I answer a little bit confused.

Chris - Hey how you doing?

Nora - Gooood. Did you call me by mistake?

Chris - No why?

Nora -  Idk was expecting you to call Laura instead of me but anyways wassup.

Chris - So Laura told me you guys have the day off tommorrow. 

Laura -Yesss?

Chris - Me and the guys were thinking about surprising Laura and the other girls tommorrow.

Nora -Okay but aren't you guys still on tour?

Chris - No we had our last show yesterday. We've booked the flight but we need help getting a ride from the airport.

Nora - Yeah sure. What time?

Chris - 1pm

Nora - Perfect send me the details. I'll be there.

Laura - Are you talking to noah?

Nora - No it's just one of my cousins.

Laura - Alright lets's go it's getting cold out here.

                    Drive to the house.

Nadia - You know? I've been thinking.

Maria - Yeah?

Nadia - Maybe we should have a beach day tommorrow.

Yaneli - Yo that's the smartest thing you've said in daysssss.

Everyone laughs.

Nadia - Hahaaaha so funny.

Sabina - That's actually a really good idea.

Laura - Yeah let's do it.

                                   The next morning.

                                           Nora's POV

Beeeeeeppppppp Beeeeeeppppp Beeeeeeep

Noah - What the hell is that?

Nora -  It's my alarm sleepyhead

Noah - Turn it offffff

Nora - Ok but you have to wake up.

Noah - Sweetheart it's your day off why can't we stay if bed and call it a day.

Nora - As much as I would love to we have things to do today.

Noah - I could think of better things for us to do today.

Nora - Oh yeah?

Noah - Yeah 

Nora - Like what?

Noah - I don't know. You and me in bed. No clothes just loving each other to death. 

Nora - Ayyy bebe. If it was up to you we would remain in bed until thy kingdom comes. 

Noah - Boooo party poopeeerrrrrrr.

Nora - Whatever

I replied as I pulled him of the bed. Go shower and get dressed remeber we have to go pick up the boys from the airport.

Noah - Yes ma'am. 

Lean on me (Cnco )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora