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       The second I closed my eyes to sleep, I was back in the bedroom of my nightmare. It took a little bit for my vision to clear up, but as it did I frowned as there was no sight of Levi. Maybe he hasn't gone to sleep yet. 

       I walk over to the window and look outside at the foggy roads. It's morning time here, but it doesn't get much lighter than when it's night. I hear rustling behind me and turn to see Levi entering the bedroom. He looks relieved.

       "You're here, I thought I wouldn't see you again," he breathed out. I guess he was here before me. 

       "I thought the same when I didn't see you," I tell him. He gives me a slight smile and motions out the door. 

       "I made some food if you're hungry. I found some eggs and some stuff to make pancakes in the kitchen." I nod gratefully and we make our way downstairs. I see two plates set out and two glasses of water. I looked at him and Levi put his hands in his pockets. "I was hopeful that'd I'd see you again." That sentence made me blush a little as I made my way to a plate.

       "It looks delicious, Levi. Thank you," I tell him. He grins and begins shoveling eggs into his mouth. I chuckle slightly before taking a bite of my pancake and moaning at the taste; I haven't had breakfast food like this in ages. I catch Levi staring at me before clearing his throat and going back to his food. 

       "I was thinking that after we eat we could try to sneak around to a store. Grab some toiletries and things like that. All my stuff was left at the last place I camped because it got stormed by the monster." 

       "We should get clothes while we're there, and candles," he says. I nod and gulp down my water, rinsing the excess food down my throat. Levi grabs my dishes before I can and I mumble a 'thank you'. "Least I can do. If it weren't for you I'd probably be dead, I guess." I nod, looking down. I wish he wasn't here and he wasn't it danger, yet at the same time I'm glad he is and I don't want him to leave. 

       "We should go ahead and leave now before it gets dark. It'll get very dark around afternoon time and that's usually when the thing  makes an appearance." Levi nods and we head out, closing the front door behind us. I take the lead as I know where I'm going and we head to the superstore. I feel a hand brush mine and turn to look as Levi catches up to me. 

       "How long have you been in this nightmare?" He asks. It was such a simple question and yet it made my stomach churn.

       "For a while. Near twenty years now." Levi nods slowly. Now that we're close I can see that I'm shorter than him by a few inches. I also seem more out of shape.

       "How old are you?"

       "I turn 29 next month," I let out a breathy chuckle. I'm getting old. I look over at him, "How old are you?"

       "I just turned 23," Levy says. He stops in front of me and turns to face me. We're so close that if I leaned in a few inches our faces would be touching. "You've been in this nightmare since you were ten? How did you handle it?" I could see the worry streak across Levi's face. His eyes shone brightly in the mist. Now that I can see better I can see that they're a beautiful forest green.

       "When I was younger I would hide. I would get myself into the smallest place possible until I realized that the thing  could still get me." I inhale deeply as I feel his breath fan my face. I haven't been this close to someone in a while, it makes me want to get closer. 

       "What did your family do?"

       "They didn't believe me. My parents kicked me out when I turned 18 and so I've been on my own since," I glance at his lips. "Never had anyone romantically either, at least not longer than a month. People thought I was crazy and so I stopped telling them. My last boyfriend heard from one of my exes that I was crazy and so he broke it off with me."

       Levi's eyes widen a little bit and I fear I messed up. He licks his lips, "You're gay?" I straighten up.

       "Bi. Do you have a problem with that?" I ask him. I take the smallest step forward and his breath hitches. I almost smile.

       "N-No. I'm gay so I would never." I smile. I glance at his eyes again before taking in the details of his face. He's quite pale, like me. I can see freckles spotted across his nose and cheek bones, and he has a scar on his upper lip. I frown and run my thumb over it without thinking.

       "What happened?" I notice his adams apple moving as he swallows.

       "Uh, I fell from a tree. Had to get stitches." I mumble a quiet 'oh' before taking a step back. 

       "We should start heading towards the supermarket again before it gets too late," I tell him. Levi nods and quickly turns around, walking at a bit faster pace. I chuckle and catch up with him, leaving the rest of the walk in silence.

       When we get to the supermarket the first place we head to is the food. We grabbed a cart on our way in and piled it to the brim with all kinds of food. Next we headed to the clothes and split up for a bit as we checked out what they had. I got a few pairs of t-shirts and pants, as well as some boxer briefs and socks. I also grabbed a new pair of sneakers as mine were pretty torn. When Levi and I met up again the cart was overflowing with things. We made one last stop to grab some toiletries like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, body was, wash cloths, and shaving cream and razors. 

       Thankfully with no one else here we didn't have to worry about paying and just walked back home with the cart. When we got home the first thing we did was put all of the clothes on the bed. Then we started putting up groceries after putting up the toiletries. Once we were finished I looked at Levi. 

       "Since there isn't a window in the bathroom I figure it will be alright to turn the light on when we shower or whatever. I don't think the house has power currently so I'm going to go mess with the breaker to see if I need to fix anything." Levi nods.

       "I'll go put up the clothes then. I found some candles at the store so we can at least have a little bit of light." I smile gratefully at Levi as he hands me a candle and then lights it. I make my way to the basement, as that's where the breaker will most likely be, and start walking along the walls. When I eventually find it I start flipping random switches until the basement light flickers on. Then I turn the switches all that way. I head back up the stairs and turn on the living room and kitchen light quickly before shutting them off to make sure they're working. 

       "We have power!" I hear from upstairs, making me giggle. I jog up the stairs just in time to see Levi flop on the bed. "Do you think we'll get hot water?" I shrug.

       "I'd have to go back down and mess with the heater. I can do that before you shower if you'd like," I tell him. I lower my body beside his in the bed and look over at him. Because we're inside it's much darker and it's a bit harder to see his features. 

       "Yeah," his voice comes out as a whisper as we look at each other. All I want to do is hold him, but I can't. He's a stranger that has been put in my nightmare. We don't know each other. I sigh and get up enough off the bed to take my shoes, pants, and shirt off. I enclose myself under the blanket and turn to Levi once again. He's in the middle of undoing his pants when he glances at me. For some reason I don't look away and neither does he as he takes off his pants. Same with his shirt before he climbs into bed. 

       We move a bit closer to each other and just look at the other. I lick my lips and slowly move my body so we're pressed up against each other. I can feel his heartbeat and I'm sure he can feel mine too as I breathe out slowly, pressing my face into his shoulder. I close my eyes and we just lay there. Even though it's the afternoon we just lay there. No one talks as we press our bodies as close together as they'll go. His body feels warm against mine and I can feel myself drift off into sleep. 

       For once I hope I wake up here. 

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