Chapter One: Convincing Aunt Mito

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*Side Note*

The Italics is Killua's Message and the Underline is Yours.


"Ready Gon?" You whispered as you both peeked into the kitchen where Aunt Mito was hard at work cooking dinner. Grandma sat at the table drinking her tea and humming. "One" You whisper shouted. "Two" Gon followed. "Three!" you both said jumping out.

"Aunt Mito can we please go to real school?" You both said in unison. Having done this time and time again. "I already told you." She began calmly. "Just let them go. They'll never stop bothering you about it." Grandma interrupted her chuckling.

Aunt Mito sighed. "Fine. But on one condition." She said stopping you.and Gons celebration."What's the Condition?" You said determinedly. "Yeah name it we'll do whatever it takes!" Gon backed you up.

"You both must promise to stick together and watch out for each other." She said. "Aunt Mito! That was a given." You said rolling your eyes. "Hey! Watch your tone kiddo." Aunt Mito said rubbing your hair her hands still wet from washing them. "Aunt Mitooo!" You complained brushing through your h/l hair with your fingers.

"Well you'll need supplies, We'll go into town and buy what you two need tomorrow." Aunt Mito sighed drying her hands on a towel. "Thanks you Aunt Mito!" You said running to your room. You opened your door to your bedroom and swiped your phone off the bedside table. You smiled seeing that he had already messaged you several times.

He being your very best friend. You had done the number neighbor trend A while back and he was now one of the closest friends you ever had. Not counting your own twin brother. You opened his messages and read them.

'Oi Baka what'd your Aunt say?'

'You back yet'

'Hurry up'

'I'm bored.'

You chuckled at his messages and sat on your bed toeing off your shoes while texting back.

'I'm back now'

'She said Yes!'

'Imma get to go to a real school!'

You turned your phone off knowing it usually took him a minute to respond. You were surprised when as soon as you put it down your phone played the ringtone you had set just for his texts.


'You're lucky, My stupid mother says School isn't worth it.'

You rolled your eyes at the mention of his family. You knew plenty of things about your best friend. His name is Killua Zoldyck, He has an obsession with Chocolate, hates his overbearing family, skateboards, hates needles, and would rather eat A whole bus tire then do mental math. To name a few fun facts.

'That sucks Sorry, maybe we coulda went to the same one!

'No way what are the odds of that happening Baka?'

'That's why I said Maybe!'

'Whatever Baka'

Sighing happily you laid your phone one your stomach and looked up at your ceiling. The glow stars you had stuck up there when you were younger remain after all the years and you realize they were arranged in a way to where they spelled out G I N G.

"Ging?" You aloud said confused. You pondered what it could mean or stand for for a minute but then heard Gon yell for you to come eat dinner. You hopped out of bed and walked into the dining room to see everyone already at the table. You sat down and Aunt Mito gave thanks.

As you ate you wondered how school would be. It was a stay on campus school so you'd have a dorm and a roommate. You would also only come home to see Aunt Mito and Grandma on holidays and breaks.

You were excited but also kind of hesitant. What if you didn't like school? Or what if people make fun of you for being homeschooled until now? There were so many things that could go wrong.

After dinner you and Gon sat outside talking. He was going on and on about how many friends he was gonna make and you just smiled and nodded along. 

As much as you loved your twin brother he was alot to handle. You just hoped his future friends were up to the job of being around him.

You said your goodnights to Every one and went back to your room. You flopped on your bed and grabbed your phone. Sure enough Killua had messaged you again.

'Oi Baka Guess What.'

'My grandpa convinced my dad to let me go to school.'

'The hags mad.'

You smiled at the thought that maybe Killua would go to the same school as you.

'Omg Really?'

'What if we actually do go to the same one?'

You messaged him as you felt your eyelids grow heavy.

You heard the ding signaling that he had messaged you but you were halfway asleep and you felt yourself slip into unconsciousness.

The screen lit up again as another message came through one that you would never see.

'That'd be a dream come true'

*message removed*

No new messages.

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