Nightmare !! ( Part 1)

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I was running. Running at full speed, seemed like my life depended on it. And it felt like I have been running from this thing like forever and my legs were now giving up when suddenly, I skipped and tripped over a rock in a dark cornered alley. I fell face first and my nose hit on the concrete ground and it started bleeding badly. I tried to get up but my legs gave away and I tried to scoot as far as I could until reaching the very end where the wall hit my back. Tears streamed down my eyes and my nose was bleeding with scratches and buries all of my legs as I sat in the corner and seeing as it approached near and near, inch by inch towards me with its fangs shining in the moonlight and claws on its hands. I begged it for mercy but it didn't give me any. Because of crying, my eyes became red and now it was totally blurred and I could not see anything.... I could only feel my surrounding which I assume after a minute or two of silence I heard my own screaming voice and whooshing of air as I fell down a deep hole......

I again fell face flat on the ground and when I got up and dusted my clothes, I saw it...... It was really happening. Dark black and blue colors were engulfing the sky and not much time was left for the thunderstorm to come by. Trees were not able to stand still and the breeze was much powerful which could uproot the trees. And there it is..... A house in the middle of nowhere where I went as it was the only option..... to save myself from the upcoming storm.

Well, I went inside the house and as I entered, the door closed behind me. Great! Everything is happening accordingly. Huh... It was dark and cold in there. The house felt small from the outside but from the inside, it was huge. It was spacious and full of old vintage-styled furniture. There was also a black grand piano. It looked beautiful. I started playing some notes thinking that if I knew what was going to happen, I could stop it from happening... but.......but... as I tried to stop it from happening...... it went worse. The situation got worse and I need to face the consequence and it leads to a complete disaster. So, now all I need to do is go according to what is supposed to happen. And as I waited, I heard footsteps above me.

The wooden stairs started creaking and I saw a black shadowy figure climb down the stairs and stood outside the room I was in. I now looked up and saw her, she didn't have any eyeballs. Her eye sockets were white as snow and she was wearing a black gown of the old style. She then said to me in a low voice," You have been summoned upstairs by the mistress. You can follow me and I'll show you where you need to go". She turned and started walking saying again, "Follow me..." I followed her and climbed the stairs and it creaked like hell like a bigfoot walking on it.

After we reached the first landing, she turned and took me to a room which was closed and opened the door and as I entered through the door, she shut the door like closed it but left it unlocked. The room had candles placed everywhere and it took me some time to get used to it as I was in darkness for a long time and now I see..... I saw it and I could not believe my eyes. And all of a sudden a loud thunder just struck the tree and the tree fell down. The view I saw was, a doll... yes the same doll but looked different... different just like me.............

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