chilly | nagito

483 13 6

requested by: Bakugou168

{no despair au but they're still on the island lol}
oh and happy bday to my nagi wagi‼️😩🙏🏽


"Finally in bed," You croaked to yourself as your freshly washed body hit the bed. You stuffed your fro underneath your yellow bonnet as you leaned over to turn off your lamp. With the fresh ocean breeze spilling in from your window, you sighed in contentment.

Nestling under your covers, you dreamily listened to the sounds of the waves outside your window. You were even prepared to doze off to sleep before you heard a knock on your door.

With annoyance, your eyes popped open once again. You drowsiness still lingering as you crept your way towards your door.

You were ready to scold whoever could be disrupting your beauty sleep like this, but once you opened the door your face softened.

"Hey, Y/n, hope I'm not bothering you." Your close friend, Nagito said apologetically. Adorned in his usual long frayed hoodie and wild white hair.

"Oh hey, Nagi. Well... I was about to go to sleep but-"

"Oh no!" Nagito exclaimed interrupting you. "I can't believe I just woke you up like that! Trash like me shouldn't even be talking to you, and now here I am waking you up in the middle of the night, how pathetic." He hissed in disgust.

"Hey, hey, c'mon Nagi." You sighed as you pulled him into your cottage. Your hand gently wrapped around his as you closed the door behind you.

"It's really no big deal okay? I can sleep anytime i want around here so there's no issue if I'm up a little later than usual." You reassured him.

He begrudgingly nodded in a agreement.

"Oh and what did I tell you about calling yourself trash?" You asked with a quirk of your brow. He opened his mouth to say something, likely to justify, but you cut him off.

"I don't wanna hear you say stuff like that, Nagi. Especially since it isn't true." You looked at him sternly as he blushed under your serious gaze.

"Now what is it you wanted to tell me."

"Well...more like show you something." He spoke softly, his eyes landing on your hand still holding onto his. He noticed the contrast between your skin tones, how perfect your darker hands seemed to compliment is paler ones.

"Oh fr? This late at night?" You asked, tilting your head slightly to the side.

He nodded as you stared at him for a bit, trying to think of what he could possibly show you.

"So... do you want to come with me?" Nagito finally spoke snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Shit sorry, just gimme like 10 minutes and I'll meet you at the pool, okay?" You told him, finally releasing his hand from your gentle hold. He nodded as he made his way out from your room.


A soft smile tugged at his lips as he sat on a nearby beach chair. His gaze once again returning towards his hand which you'd just held not too long ago. The amount of hope you always seemed to give him was astonishing. All from the most subtle actions and sentences.

"Yo Komeada, w-were you in Y/n's cottage just now??" A certain pink haired mechanic asked wide eyed.

"Yeah, why?" Nagito replied, eyes still facing downward.

"THIS LATE?! IT'S NEARLY MIDNIGHT" Kazuichi screeched running up besides the pale boy. Nagito looked up at him with a confused expression.

"Y-you guys weren't.... you know," Kazuichi blanched as he rubbed the back of his neck.

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