playdate | kokichi

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kokichi is such a fun and interesting character to write for, so i rlly RLLY enjoyed writing this chapter. 😭


"Snickerssss!" Kokichi whined against your leg.

"Hm?" You hummed, still typing away on your phone.

"Pay attention to meeee." He pouted, as he grabbed your spare hand and brought it towards his head. You began absent-mindlessly petting his long purple locks as he nestled further into your lap.

You'd honestly stopped trying to fight his clinginess towards you since doing so only seemed to make it worse. Though you've come accustomed to being in his presence and, dare say, have even become to like it.

"Well, aren't you both getting fuckin cozy?" Miu giggled as she sat at the other side of the table.

"Oh great, is it the milk-bearing cow speaking again?" Kokichi spoke lifting his head from your lap.

"C-cow?!" Miu yelped in embarrassment.

"Kokichi-" You tried to stop him.

"Hmm, no... I think cow would be too insulting towards animals, so you're more like a walking, talking glory hole instead!" He beamed as if he gave her a compliment.

"G-G-GLORY HOLE?!1!1" Miu cried, practically melting into a puddle.

"Aye, what I tell you about the name-calling?" You growled removing your hand from his head and shoving him off your lap.

"Awww but being nice is no fun!" He once again pouted as he tried to climb on your lap once more but your hand on his forehead stopped him from getting any closer.

"Y/n, stop being meannn," He sniveled looking like he was about to go on another crying fit. You rolled your eyes at his attempt of guilt tripping you as Miu watched you both in amusement.

"Damn, y'all are one freaky ass couple!!" She laughed loudly, seeming to bounce back from her former embarrassment with ease.

"We aren't a-"

"Yes we are!!" Kokichi proudly interrupted as he slid from under your hand and once again laid on your lap.

"He's lying." You sighed with a shake of your head.

"Hey, no I'm not!! I never lie!" He lied.

The truth was, this all started after the first few days at the old earthy high school. Kokichi had immediately taken a liking to you. He did ask a lot of...... questions tho. Though compared to how he treated Keebo, Kokichi was mainly asking out of curiosity. And even complimented on how "not boring" your appearance was to him.

I mean, compared to your other peers, it's not like you stood out that much. Though not only were you covered head to toe in melanin but your height was also slightly above average. But between your pretty, full lips and your fluffy afro, that seemed to make him even MORE interested. You were practically some sort of goddess in Kokichi's eyes.

In fact, you began to recall one of your earlier interactions with him...

[flashback lmfao]

You yawned lightly as you strolled into the cafeteria. You had wakened up a bit earlier than usual but that was mostly due to your angry, growling stomach.

After getting your serving of food, you plopped into a seat at the other end of the table. Putting in your AirPods, you began listening to some music while you devoured your delicious meal.

Well, that was until you felt eyes on you.

Breaking your concentration from your plate your eyes locked on the shorter boy sitting in front of you. His head resting on his hands as he watched you eat.

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