Chapter 2

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It's been years since mom and dad passed away. They died in a hotel fire... and I'd be lying if I were to say that I didn't miss them.

By losing my parents that day, it feels as if a whole part of myself is lost. Obviously, I don't mean that in literal terms; the physical fact that I'm living without the comfort of my parents is what I'm describing. But I do miss them. That's the point.

      I've been in the same adoption center for years now... with only my parents' life savings, which, isn't really my parents' anymore. Their savings are mine now. But that's beside the point. I'm living among some other asshole children. I'm just blessed, I know.

     I hope you were able to sense that sarcasm.

     I haven't made any friends in this place. It's dark, and filled to the brim with spider webs and dust. It smells awfully dingy in this place. Imagine a wet dog, coming into your house, and shaking its hair so all the water on that dog's body splatters everywhere. Now keep that, but make it twice as bad.


      It's not a nice place to be.

      And, to put the cherry on top...

     There's green, dark, disgusting mold on the other side of my fucking pillow.

     Yeah, it can't get much worse than this.

I'll be meeting a couple who've proposed to adopt me. I've only seen them once. The woman is tall and skinny. She has blonde, straightened hair, with an even straighter expression. Seeing a person so stern is actually kind of scary. Her partner is tall, on the heavier side, and is the complete opposite of the woman. He seemed extremely friendly and nice. They must hate each other as much as I already hate them.

"Noel! Come on, Debra and Bobby are coming soon! Please, get ready. And shower yourself. You stink." The lady in charge, Patty, says. She's a short lady with long, black hair. She's wealthy. Filthy rich. But, by no means will she help us.

"We don't have a working shower. You haven't paid the bills." I explain to her, my tone hinted with a little, 'Hey, Patty! You look like something straight out of the Teletubbies' basement. Leave me alone, you bitch!'

She's never looked at the condition of this crappy place and has only looked to help herself. I should just buy this place and fix it up on my own. I have the money, along with the audacity to care.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"I don't have a fucking mother. Why do you think I'm here?"

"Just... go get ready." The hag says, sighing.

As if I'm going to listen to her.

I exhale, pulling the blanket over my head with a groan. I don't feel like getting up. Especially not today. After a few minutes, however, the space inside the blanket was starting to get dreadfully hot. I pulled it back under my chin, letting out a small gasp. The cool air on my face felt refreshing, but u comfortable nonetheless.



What a nice start to my day.

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